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php redirect

quick and simple php redirect to a url

12:42 am, June 28, 2024
css cursor types testing

testing all (most) of the available css cursor types, you can mouse over to test how the cursors react depending on your browser type and operating system.  refs

5:44 am, February 27, 2024
sqlite escape string

simple sqlite php escaped string 

6:02 am, May 10, 2023
php functions
Return a file extention from a string

This php function returns a file extention from a string.  I think it will only work if the string does not have any additional . in it.  I think a better way to do this function would be ..

5:45 am, April 7, 2023
getcwd usage in php to get the current working directory for file includes

the builtin function getcwd in php gets the current working directory, this can then be used to include files or check the current working directory rather than manually adding the directory into your..

4:13 am, April 6, 2023
php functions
shorten string php, string length php, clip string length php

I'm pretty sure i have done this function before but i cant find it due to the keywords being wrong! Here is a function that takes a string and shortens it and adds .. to the end, with the rest of th..

2:38 am, October 3, 2022
php functions
imgur upload from php

function that takes an image and uploads it to imgur using a client api id, and then returns all the data. i did this one ages ago and did not make it into a function, but this version should work as..

12:45 am, September 30, 2022
cookie consent quick install script js html css vanilla

Found this super slick looking cookie consent script here, looks awesome, and its easy to install (i hope).  CDN Links

12:19 am, September 20, 2022
using preg_match to extract text from elements

using preg_match to extract specified text from elements I also tried this search "if you have the start and end of a string extract the middle with php" as thats really all i need it to do, i have t..

1:41 am, June 24, 2022
Install PHP without Apache on Ubuntu

I was actually about to do some coding and then i got distracted with this annoying error on vscode. I keep getting this error on vscode: I had been ignoring it, but i thought fine, ill fix it and..

12:30 am, June 1, 2022
Site Bugs
Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/html/bundle/responsive-viewport-meta-tag-responsive-meta-tag/index.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/pages/ on line 167

i think that the content in this location is not writable by php so need to change the permissions too fix this error.  This should fix it, as it was not correctly write permissioned Bash cs /..

1:56 am, May 21, 2022
share to twitter javascript button function open a new window

gets and encodes the current page url and opens a new window to share the link to twitter

5:23 am, May 4, 2022
share to linked in current url button with javascript

Share the current page url to linked in with a button and javascript

5:16 am, May 4, 2022
Get current URL and add a share to facebook share button with it

Combines this Facebook HTML for Sharing a Link and encode url with javascript this to make captan planet! Or... makes a share this post to facebook button. 

5:02 am, May 4, 2022
encode url with javascript

get the current url, encode it and log the encoded result to console

5:00 am, May 4, 2022
check url hash using javascript

What is a url hash? This is a URL Hash. You can add the # symbol on the end of a url and content after it, and this will not effect the content usually, unless the browser is intructed to do somet..

3:59 am, March 7, 2022
get directions from google maps form embed

this is a random form that posts back to google maps showing the directions needed to get from one address to another location, im not sure where this would be usefull. Maybe on a site where you neede..

12:19 pm, January 17, 2022
how to copy the folder path in finder

Moving from windows to mac is quite a shock, especially when you go from explorer which shows the file and folder path on every window in file explorer. Then we go to mac finder, which is nice, but h..

4:42 am, November 23, 2021
php functions
youtube search api request function

This function requests a search from the youtube search api, and searches the text in the snippet for the seearch string. You can get your own API key for this from the google developers console. They..

2:04 am, November 4, 2021
php functions
php post data back to a url with a function

this function uses curl to post back data to a url, this acts like a _POST form request from within a function. Function usage: $url the url to post the data back to e.g: $url = "

3:11 am, October 24, 2021
validate email address from string with jquery working function

Here is a working example of this post validate email address from string. This has very basic checking of an email address by checking that the string has an @ and a . in it. Note: this is still no..

12:31 am, October 22, 2021
How to Use PropTypes to Define Props in React

React allows you to define the types of props given to your components to make sure that invalid data is not sent as the prop to the element.  To do this you can define propTypes. You can defin..

4:40 am, October 19, 2021
using wp_nav_menu to show a custom menu in wordpress

found this quick code snippit here, its not working just for reference of what the array items do.  Here is how you would display the menu called "Projects" PHP         $..

4:28 am, September 29, 2021
CSS Drawing - Beach Scene

i did this one a while ago, cantr even remember it just appeared when i searched in google.  here is an animated version, check the bottom for the css version of this:  

1:24 am, July 20, 2021
simple backup to google drive fron linux

i added these scripts a while ago to backup mysql databases and web files to google drive a while ago, i just run them on a daily cron to copy the backups every day. the files so the bain backup_a..

1:04 am, June 27, 2021
backup script to google drive that can be used for multiple directories

this zips the content of the target directory and then uploads it to a google drive backup location just create a file called ~/ and then add the following BASH -  ..

5:26 am, May 26, 2021
set active class based on url value

this will check the full url and then loop through all the a elements in #test-div when it finds a matching url it will add the class active to that button this is good for persisting active links o..

3:13 am, May 14, 2021
php basic page router

this php page router while pretty basic does the job for this site. it takes all the query string and splits it with the / into $p variables you will also need the following nginx or similar page rew..

12:29 am, April 4, 2021
javascript page redirect

this one i cant add a working demo for, due to its nature, but it is working if you remove the comment. combine this with this:

3:18 am, March 26, 2021
linux mount a drive manually

this is how you can mount a drive in linux first list the drives available with:  BASH sudo lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,MODEL or this BASH sudo blkid ok once we have th..

4:24 am, March 12, 2021
add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajax

this will get a group of links with existing href targets and load them dynamically with an ajax callback you will need to also include the full jquery script as the slim one does not include the aja..

3:51 am, March 9, 2021
add click event to multiple link items

this allows you to get every a element in a-div class and stop the link from loading, so you can do other things with it like run a function or something else Functions used: Javascript Wait for th..

3:24 am, March 9, 2021
check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page

this script will check if a query string is already set, and if it matches it will append the same query string to all url's on the page Here is the test link with the field, and all url's on this pa..

8:22 am, March 1, 2021
check if a query string item is set in the current url

this will check and console log if a query string on this page is set to test=anything example url is:  Test is not set:  Test is set using & : htt..

5:49 am, March 1, 2021
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor

This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..

12:14 am, February 5, 2021
checking the current url and then marking a link active based on that url

i want a script that can check the current page uri and then match it to a list of links to be able to add an active class that survives page reloading So here we go... 1. Get the current page url. ..

1:32 am, January 13, 2021
search a zip file with windows command prompt and 7zip

if you ever need to search for a file in a zip file this is how to do it (in windows). Also you will need to install 7zip Open a command prompt CTRL+R and type cmd cd C:\Program Files\7-Zip 7z l c..

1:09 pm, September 8, 2020
add a class or remove it based on window scroll location

if you inspect the header div you will see a class added to it when scrolled down, i have added additional margins to it so you can still see it even when scrolled. then you add a fixed property to m..

1:45 am, June 30, 2020
get the current url in javascript

this will get the current address add it to a variable and show it on the result element

3:47 am, September 13, 2019
copy a file when the date of the source is newer than the destination

using xcopy and a loop i found this is a good way to make sure that changes in one file make their way across to another location using a windows batch file. this one loops every 5 seconds, i think yo..

3:27 am, August 26, 2019
PHP Finding the position of a string in another string using strpos

$dot_location = strpos($my_string,"."); The first version of this does not seem to work in all cases, so i have updated this with a working version here.

12:00 am, July 9, 2019
Cut a string when it finds a certain character with PHP

ok so lets say we have a string like this: Hi there im a string. I am also part of the same string. And we want to shorten the above string into just:  Hi there im a string. This is what i wo..

5:30 am, April 17, 2019
Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..

11:33 pm, December 13, 2018
using parse_url to extract parts of a url

Category: PHP the parse_url php function will split a url into an array of url fragments $url = ""; var_dump(parse_url($url)); parse_url example ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
find the 1st occurence of a string in another string

do a case-sensitive search for a string within another string strpos mixed strpos ( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ] ) usage find the 1st location of a string position within a..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
google map with overlay data

Ever wanted to add a really slightly complex google map to your site? Working Example /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that con..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
make clickable element with clickable class

makes an element with a link into a clickable element

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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Old programmers never die; they just lose some of their functions.
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The :empty CSS pseudo-class represents any element that has no children. Children can be either element nodes or text (including whitespace). Comments, processing instructions, and CSS content do not affect whether an element is considered empty.
:empty css reference