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2:14 am, September 27, 2024
slick slider section quick add

everything you need for a quick slide section

10:52 pm, November 7, 2022
four box section template in foundation with classes find and replace (4 box)

this section uses the large-auto classes so you can add or remove boxes easily.  find and replace the name "boxsection" to rename your new classes for the section I have layed this one out a ..

11:08 pm, October 24, 2022
four box responsive section with all classes find and replace boxsection title foundation grid (4 box)

four box responsive grid, find and replace the word... boxsection with your new section name to generate all class names and section names to match for rapid section creation. Demo Codepen

12:29 am, September 27, 2022
two box responsive section with all classes find and replace boxsection title foundation grid (2 box)

easy copy and paste section and find replace the word boxsection with your new class names, using foundation grid.

7:01 am, September 9, 2022
basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section

section with inner and outer css selectors for reuse and basic layout formatting. you can then search for "section-name" and replace it with your own section name.  section-name section-name..

4:36 am, September 6, 2022
content-visibility and contain-intrinsic-size for page load rendering speed increase

interested to see if this makes any difference content-visibility The content-visibility CSS property controls whether or not an element renders its contents at all, along with forcin..

1:06 am, May 30, 2022
Footer Design and Redesign

I never usually look this far down on the site, but its a bit average... Lets fix it!   Some simple changes Just a few elements added and moved around a bit. Added another row to the f..

12:31 am, April 1, 2022
html and css hoizontal simple timeline section in foundation

a horizontal simple timeline section example done in foundation grid with some custom styles. This also uses the Lato Font quick install! So Quick!..  :P Also works on responsive and mobile dev..

3:33 am, March 29, 2022
Core Function : list_search_by_class_return_links - List Searches by Class Type and Return Links

Function that list's the latest and top searches by the class name and return a list of links, with the search totals on them.  I wanted to extract the top searches and the latest searches by da..

2:35 am, March 10, 2022
add a divider to your dropdown nav toggles

good for seperating menu sections in the same dropdown item add this to your toggle <li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li>

2:38 am, October 24, 2021
foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element

For some reason i had the request to align the links in three boxes with different height text, not sure why they wanted them aligned, but i guess my task is not too question that but to fix it. ..

11:51 pm, October 14, 2021
responsive three box section with tabular data or table data

here is a section in foundation with 3 hero boxes with images on top, and then a title and some tabular (is that the same as table?) data in each box, so could be good for some kinda products and then..

5:50 am, October 1, 2021
stackable bio or biography list with portrait image title and text

a nice easily stackable bio or biography list done in foundation, just duplicate the bio-item and switch out the content and you have a nice responsive bio layout.  As its in foundation here is ..

1:13 am, October 1, 2021
easy section wrap in foundation - 3 boxes responsive

this is a 3 box section responsive wrap in foundation, you can change this to large-auto if you want to have multiple boxes

12:23 am, September 29, 2021
easy section wrap in foundation

i am always writing these wrap sections so i thought i would just add a basic one here, easy to copy and paste into a new section

4:33 am, September 20, 2021
creating embedded php code from a database field

i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..

4:23 am, August 26, 2021
install atom editor on ubuntu

You can download atom from and run the .deb package or if you want to use apt you will need to add it as a repository.

11:42 pm, January 24, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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The <basic-shape> CSS data type represents a shape used in the clip-path, shape-outside, and offset-path properties.
inset() css reference