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4 box custom grid with responsive

simple 4 box 25% grid with a responsive break at 1024px to stack the boxes in the grid

2:50 am, February 5, 2024
green circle tick svg

converted into inline css and html

12:06 am, January 15, 2024
use an image in your list items ol ul li

replacing the default ul li list with an image prefix

12:02 am, January 15, 2024
svg css
svg carret right css class

3:59 am, March 22, 2023
svg animated line testing - shooting star right

I found this on a random site i was looking at it took me a while to extract the animation, but i found it and its working below.  There is shoot right and also shoot left, if you are that way i..

8:46 am, February 17, 2022
chevron right thick and pointy edges base64

finally found a svg chevron that does not cost $3, amazing...

11:46 pm, February 6, 2022
down chevron and styles

a down chevron and the class to style it, default this is 16x16px but you can zoom it in or out easily, just change the height and width of it target with the class bi-chevron-down

2:43 am, September 24, 2021
animated duck on footer

Thought this was cool. How do i do it? Page Source:  Copy this section Lets see what is attached to it. So i can see from the classes its a tailwind based ..

5:56 am, September 13, 2021
404 Error Page Codepen

found this in my links the other day, still looks cool...

1:16 am, July 16, 2021
globe svg testing (broken)

nope seems not to be working, it seems you cant just copy the glyph path into a normal svg and hope for the best, oh well i tried. 

6:32 am, June 29, 2021
how to make a transparent logo white with css

lets say you have a logo and its dark on a black background, how annoying is that, you still want the dark background but also want to see the logo.  well with this css trick you can just make t..

3:07 am, June 29, 2021
add chevrons to a ul list

adding a chevron to a list item rather than the default dot and the moving one, here is the demo:

2:15 am, May 21, 2021
logo tickers marquee slow scrolling

logo tickers with a slide animation

12:07 am, March 14, 2021
add a moving chevron to your href link

this adds a right chevron that moves when the link is active demo: * note: this may not show up in light mode as the chevron is white, so would need to change the color it

10:10 pm, March 11, 2021
github logo background png css

just the github transparent logo as a css class, yes it should probably be a svg, but here it is in all its PNG glory.

5:10 am, February 10, 2021
site bugs
spin rotate an element on mouse over [css]

i thought it might look good to spin this element around when the mouse is over it. Added the following css to second_nav_toggle.  

12:51 am, January 17, 2021
mouse outline svg

12:57 am, January 15, 2021
chevron up

11:19 pm, January 10, 2021
chevron down

11:05 pm, January 10, 2021
site bugs
top bar overflow issues [fixed]

So i was just browsing throught the site checking for random errors, which there are quite a lot. And noticed this one. Quite a large bug caused by overflow issues in the main header, i think this ..

2:36 am, January 1, 2021
make labels or badges look better

How to make these look better. The labels are used in the list items to show a small version of the category or sometimes the view count for a list item. How they look currently Dark Mode Ligh..

6:09 am, December 31, 2020
chevron left

5:13 am, December 11, 2020
chevron right

5:12 am, December 11, 2020
download icon svg

a simple download icon in svg format, also added button example usage so you can use the svg within the button as an icon and change the fill colour on mouse over, plus it scales nicely on mobile devi..

10:28 pm, December 3, 2020
Making Images Retina Display Friendly

Have you ever noticed images look a bit blurry on your high res screen? Sometimes this is referred to as a "Retina" display... Its probably because the image used is exactly the pixels made for a regu..

12:14 am, July 2, 2019

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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