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css cursor types testing
testing all (most) of the available css cursor types, you can mouse over to test how the cursors react depending on your browser type and operating system. refs
getcwd usage in php to get the current working directory for file includes
the builtin function getcwd in php gets the current working directory, this can then be used to include files or check the current working directory rather than manually adding the directory into your..
Check free space amount and show it in a nice human readable format
this checks the disk space amount on the linux macine and returns the result in human readable form. df -H Usually this will show it in the following format. Example below.
Add font awesome icons as placeholder text in inputs
An old one i found on codepen, works with only the old version of font awesome i think. Not tested on the later versions.
Map Image with Easy Dots and Titles using only CSS
I had to quickly add some dot points with names to a map the other day, so i thought i should probably look for a jquery library for tool tips or something similar. But then i thought why not just add..
codemirror with auto preview window
this should auto preview html code into the preview area using code mirror
php function load as table - load_as_table
Load data and add into a table format by passing in the required fields as an array. Example Result Live Example
fancybox inline auto size modal easy
It seems weird to me that the examples on here, do not have code linked to them, and rather i have to dig through the source and find how they work.
chevron right thick and pointy edges base64
finally found a svg chevron that does not cost $3, amazing...
bootstrap form basic
a nice simple bootstrap form layout example template
get tomorrows date with javascript
Same as the get yesterdays date except with a +1 rather than a -1 let tomorrow = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()+1));
get yesterdays date with javascript
This gets todays date and minuses one day from it to be ... yesterday. let yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-1));console.log(yesterday); This format is the full da..
Create Strings using Template Literals
if you use the backtick to enclose your strings you no longer have to use \n for a new line. For example: `this is a multiline ...string!!` Console Example
Slick Slider Carousel with Custom Next and Prev Buttons
I had a slider the other day where i needed to attach some detached buttons, so added the following click events to control the next and previous events on the slider. Note the class names: sli..
generate random username function in php
a function that takes several random words and creates a user name from them. This will generate a user name with between one to three words and a prefix if prefix_show is set to true. usage generat..
Using props with Stateless Functional Components in React
Here is an example of a Stateless Functional Component but i cant get the PropTypes working correctly in my demo, not sure what im doing wrong here, but the code seems to work in the compiler just not..
How to Access Props Using this.props in React
If you would like to access a class component prop within its self you can do this using the this keyword.
How to Use PropTypes to Define Props in React
React allows you to define the types of props given to your components to make sure that invalid data is not sent as the prop to the element. To do this you can define propTypes. You can defin..
How to Override Default Props in React
The following code explains how you can override the default props in react. In this example the default of quantity is set to 0, so we can pass in quantity in the items to override its default..
How to use default props in React
If you dont want to specify props every time you use an element, you can also specify defaults for these items. This can also be useful to remember which props are needed per component. This can be a..
How to Pass an Array as Props in React
If you need to pass larger amounts of information to a component you can pass in an array rather than just a single variable. More information on the join method on the array can be found here. Here..
How to Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component in React
Props are like properties that you can pass into a component in react. A prop would be something like this in your component. JSX <div> <MyProp id="1234" /></div> The..
How to Write a React Component from Scratch
Just testing my react component writing skills...
How to Render a React Class Component to the DOM
This shows how you can get react to render a component into the page or DOM. So actually getting and showing the code that you have been writing in react.
How to Compose React Components in React
In this code we nest the components NonCitrus and Citrus into the Fruits Component. Then nest the Fruits within the TypesOfFood component. Also added the additional components, Vegetables, Non..
How to Use React to Render Nested Components
It can be useful to take components and render them inside other components while still making them into seperate items. This shows how you can take each component and nest it within another one and ..
How to Create a Component with Composition in React
This shows how you can compose multiple React components together. In this example we return the parent component which has within it the child component, you can add as many child components as requ..
How to Create a React Component using the ES6 class method
One way to add a react component is to use the Stateless Functional Component method, and another way is to use the ES6 extends syntax. This method seems more complex than the 1st for some reason mayb..
What is a Stateless Functional Component in React
What is a Stateless Functional Component? A stateless component is one that can recive data and render it, but it does not manage the provided data or track changes to it. This method creates ..
How do Self-Closing JSX Tags Work?
So in JSX all the tags must be closed, other wise it can break the element. for example: <div> must have a closing </div> and also for elements like <br> and <hr> must include..
How to Define a HTML Class in JSX in React
When writing JSX you cant add classes like you would in HTML so this code would not work: JSX <div class="my-class"></div> Instead we have to use className. JSX uses camel case for a l..
How to Render HTML Elements to the DOM with React
Once you have a JSX element defined you can write it to the page with ReactDOM.render(componentToRender, targetNode), In this example we are targeting the div with the id challenge-node. JSX ..
How to Add Comments in JSX
To put comments inside JSX, you use the syntax {/* */} to wrap around the comment text. You do actually need the curley brackets, and have to add it under the other elements for this to wor..
Create a Complex JSX Element
JSX must return a single element, so you must wrap your items in a div element you cant just return a bunch of p tags. Define a new constant JSX that renders a div which con..
Create a Simple JSX Element
The current code uses JSX to assign a div element to the constant JSX. Replace the div with an h1 element and add the text Hello JSX! inside it.
adding react with JSX using babel
just wanted to see how JSX would work with react and babel, so this way you can write JSX and babel compiles it for use with react. This is apparently not a good way to do things and can be qui..
adding react to a website in 3 steps
i was just researching how to add react to a website, and i thought i would need babel to translate or compile the JSX code, but apparently you do not need this... So ill test this here and see..
react hello world with time and date updating
here is a react hello world with the date and time updating on setInterval 1000 miliseconds. Again with react it has to be compiled from JSX for it to work, so i have included the original and ..
react hello world with variable name
i was just testing some of the hello world examples on the react site, and as they use JSX they cant be directly entered into your code, so you need to run a pre compiler (not sure of the exact term f..
react basic hello world
the most basic hello world using react js
responsive three box section with tabular data or table data
here is a section in foundation with 3 hero boxes with images on top, and then a title and some tabular (is that the same as table?) data in each box, so could be good for some kinda products and then..
show post content on template wordpress
show the post content on a wordpress template
fancybox load iframe inline
All you need to load content in an iframe using fancybox modal javascript plugin. not quite an inline load, but not much script to get this going.
moving the hits widget into the post header and footer
I wanted to make a smaller deal of the views page widget, i was adding it as a full widget and it does not need to be that huge so moving from widget area to the top of the post. Move it down..
center mode slick zoom testing
update : this is a tricky one to get working! I have done a lot of testing on this one, and got a demo working from a combination of the following links. the demo is still not 100% styled, but its..
hide the third row in a table with css
just wondered how hard it is to hide the third column in a table with css, rather than deleting it in the html here is the test table cell 1a cell 2a cell 3a cell 4a cell 5a cell 1b ..
this is a weird one table underline appearing and dissapearing on mouse over
very strange that also reminds me that i have to get rid of these random searches idea: i was thinking of adding a more detailed hit system where it can record the month and also the year of the..
prevent default click event on link
This will prevent the default event on a link url, so for example if you have a <a href="">link</a> link this code will prevent it from loading the href link when clicked and you can do so..
target 1st td in a table with css
this css will allow you to target the 1st td in a table
foundation responsive tables
in foundation you can make a table scroll when it hits its width limit by adding the class <div class="table-scroll"></div> wrapping the table element
check if a checkbox is checked with javascript
checks if the box is checked and returns true or false reusable function that can check if a checkbox is checked or not just pass it the id of the checkbox Javascript Usage check_my_box('check1');
form submit override with javascript
if you need to run some additional checks on a form before submitting it
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line: BASH ( echo "<table class='charts-css bar show-labels show-heading'>" echo "&l..
replacement slider for ken wheeler's slick carousel tiny slider 2 [testing]
I have been looking for a little while for a replacement for the now classic and a bit depreciated, ken wheeler's slick carousel. After a bit of looking around i think the best replacement, is a non ..
add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajax
this will get a group of links with existing href targets and load them dynamically with an ajax callback you will need to also include the full jquery script as the slim one does not include the aja..
add click event to multiple link items
this allows you to get every a element in a-div class and stop the link from loading, so you can do other things with it like run a function or something else Functions used: Javascript Wait for th..
github logo background png css
just the github transparent logo as a css class, yes it should probably be a svg, but here it is in all its PNG glory.
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
enable dark mode in tinymce
Here we have a darkmode verion of tinymce, ahh my eyes feel much better. The change to version 5 seems quite easy as well, as it uses the same init script as 4 still. You need to also includ..
codemirror htmlmixed textarea
a working (hopefully) version of codemirror using the htmlmixed mode, not sure why its not doing code highlighting. Update: 5 Jul 2022, this is working now.
make labels or badges look better
How to make these look better. The labels are used in the list items to show a small version of the category or sometimes the view count for a list item. How they look currently Dark Mode Ligh..
replicating the bootstrap dropdown toggle in jquery
here is a code that can toggle a sub element using the same format as bootstrap. Update: also added another line that closes all the open menu's when one is clicked, so that you dont have a bunch of ..
adding pagination to custom wp_query
you can add this to your custom wp_query making sure your query also has the paging passed through to it
hero box with title sub title logos and call to action buttons
Here is a basic hero box section that contains: Title Sub Title 6 Logos (could replace with carousel logos) 2 call to action buttons I think it can be made more responsive, by replacing the..
simple table stripe striping
this uses the nth-child(even) element to add color striping to the following table test table x x x &..
country select javascript check which option is selected and show a hidden element
this shows a country dropdown and then if a selected country name is matched it will show the second part of the form for this test australia is the confirmed country
country select javascript check which option is selected
this is an example of how you can get the selected country value with javascript from a html countries dropdown
php countries array to dropdown form element
here we generate a form dropdown from a php countries array using the country code as the name of the form option
enable tinymce on a target textarea by id
this is useful if you have multiple textareas on a page and want to enable tinymce on, also included are buttons to enable and disable on all textareas on the page
stop tinymce replacing urls with relative url's
If you have been using tiny mce for your content editing, you will sometimes find that it replaces your full url strings with its relative ones. This can be annoying so this is how you can disable it..
php countries array
country codes to country names array in php
Add a post date to your custom wordpress post listing
this is an example using: get_the_date: this one gets the post date the_excerpt: which gets the .. excerpt or summary text from the post and get_the_post_thumbnail_url which gets the image from th..
Load and Unload TinyMCE editor from a button
Enable TinyMCE Disable TinyMCE Some Content function load_tinymce(idclass) { tinymce.init({ selector: idclass, plugins: [ "spellchecker code aut..
asp classic get a url and display it
gets a url and displays it using XMLHTTP
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail
this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..
wordpress show the post content for use in a template
if you are looking to show the page content in a template you can find that here. This will show all posts in the selected category Modified source from here
flems embed in url is a single-file, embeddable Web sandbox. It keeps all its state in the URL, so just make your changes, copy the URL from the address bar, and send it wherever you please. Most popular link s..
tiny mce editor tinymce
Just loading the editor, as its useful for formatting stuff sometimes 😋. I usually use a function to load it into text areas with the tool bars + styles that i find useful. Example fu..
stacktable jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens
stacktable.js The purpose of stacktable.js is to give you an easy way of converting wide tables to a format that will work better on small screens. It creates a copy of the table that is converted in..
preserve tabs in textarea when tab key is pressed
If you want to have the text tabbed when pressing tab in textareas rather than it switching fields. $(document).delegate('textarea', 'keydown', function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;..
copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encode
Update: 26 Aug 2020 - Fixed video and original image link all should be working now in chrome. Found this one useful if you want to convert an image to base64 encode and link it directly in css or ht..
more complex responsive tables css
i did a simple version of this before here but now im going to make it a bit more complicated and functional. table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } tr:nth-of-type(odd) { ..
table border collapse
I see this quite often when dealing with tables the border-collapse: collapse; used on a table as so: table { border-collapse: collapse; } So what is the point of doing this? It seems to help..
stack a table using css responsive
this can be useful for fitting tables into smaller screens, usually add this to a media query. #tableid td { display: table-row; width:100%; display:block; } and with a screen size added @me..