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Deprecated: parse_str(): Calling parse_str() without the result argument is deprecated

I had this error on a function that i was not even sure i was calling. This was on some old code i was testing for an old site, i must have fixed this error on a never version of the function.  ..

6:39 am, April 11, 2023
using preg_match to extract text from elements

using preg_match to extract specified text from elements I also tried this search "if you have the start and end of a string extract the middle with php" as thats really all i need it to do, i have t..

1:41 am, June 24, 2022
extract variables from url string php

How do I extract query parameters from a URL string in PHP? You can do this using the parse_url function or parse_str function in php.  Say my url string is:  $url = "

5:02 am, May 29, 2022
Site Bugs
Warning: Undefined variable $class_single_hero in /var/www/html/pages/ on line 177

This warning was caused by a dot in front of the equals $class_single_hero .= $code->hero_widget($t_uid = $class_single->uid,$t_class = $p2); Fixed version Easiest way to fix this is remo..

6:58 am, May 20, 2022
console dir usage

the console.dir function shows a list of the properties or the target object. Usage console.dir(variable); Result Example

11:25 pm, March 13, 2022
how to write a javascript string over multiple lines

i remember learning this on freecodecamp while doing the ES6 training, and i could not remember exactly how to do it.  I was using the \ at the end of each line but thats really a bit annoying.&..

4:33 am, March 11, 2022
generate view statistics widget in php class extend

How i generate the Week, Month and Year view statistics widget for this site.  Views Widget Function This generates the widget based on the views data. PHP // views widget /* using fi..

1:04 am, February 19, 2022
Use destructuring assignment within the argument to the function half to send only max and min inside the function.

this seems like a tricky one, can be resolved with removing the stats array reference. Im not sure how it still knows to access the stats array. I dont know how that is correct as the console just lo..

12:34 am, December 17, 2021
Use destructuring assignment to swap the values of a and b

Use destructuring assignment to swap the values of a and b so that a receives the value stored in b, and b receives the value stored in a. I was havi..

5:58 am, December 13, 2021
How to Assign the Value of One Variable to Another in Javascript

Showing a very basic script that assigns the value of the variable a to b and then console log's the object.

12:22 pm, December 6, 2021
Console Tips and Tricks

Here are some quick commands for the console. Getting to the console in your browser Press F12 and Find the console tab. That little blue > there is the console. this is in brave or chrome, bu..

11:47 am, November 29, 2021
php functions
list all array json function list_all_array_json

I wrote this a while ago, and i always forget the complex functions i write so ill add it here.  This loads all fields and then returns them as json. 

5:51 am, November 3, 2021
add every value in the load_array array into the out for testing

quick foreach to add every variable and variable name into out and return it. good for testing.

3:40 am, October 31, 2021
php functions
php post data back to a url with a function

this function uses curl to post back data to a url, this acts like a _POST form request from within a function. Function usage: $url the url to post the data back to e.g: $url = "

3:11 am, October 24, 2021
php functions
generate random username function in php

a function that takes several random words and creates a user name from them. This will generate a user name with between one to three words and a prefix if prefix_show is set to true. usage generat..

5:04 am, October 23, 2021
javascript basic test array and loop

Here is just a basic test array and a loop to show a basic loop through the test array.  With the loop i use the length of the array as the max variable, so the loop stops when it hits the array..

3:05 am, October 19, 2021
How to Pass an Array as Props in React

If you need to pass larger amounts of information to a component you can pass in an array rather than just a single variable. More information on the join method on the array can be found here. Here..

1:56 am, October 19, 2021
list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables

I think this is more neat than passing in individual variables into the list_all function, seems to work ok so far.  Still in early stages of this listing function, more needs to be built into i..

12:15 am, October 18, 2021
replace singular variable assignment with an array loop and variable variables

I found this useful when passing in an array to a function, rather than assigning all the variables in the function manually from the array just loop through each item in the array and asign them that..

11:58 pm, October 17, 2021
react hello world with variable name

i was just testing some of the hello world examples on the react site, and as they use JSX they cant be directly entered into your code, so you need to run a pre compiler (not sure of the exact term f..

4:00 am, October 11, 2021
bootstrap alert template

here is a templated bootstrap alert where you can switch the alert type with the @alert_type variable. Here are the different alerts: primary secondary success danger warning info light dar..

12:53 am, October 8, 2021
views list function for checking what views have been made on the current week

this is related to the views class that i added with monthly week number and yearly views, this is the function that i use to extract the top viewed pages for the week num, month num and year num. I ..

8:54 am, October 7, 2021
load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop

i find this useful when loading a bunch of items in a class while looping through data, rather than assigning variables manually i just add the array of item names into the class to begin with and the..

8:36 am, October 7, 2021
load from fields array php class function

this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..

12:28 pm, September 22, 2021
creating embedded php code from a database field

i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..

4:23 am, August 26, 2021
check if a file exists with php

checks if a file exists in php returns true of false

9:33 am, August 23, 2021
get the current working directory in php

gets the current working directory... in php

6:55 am, August 23, 2021
extract youtube image from video url

showing how you can get the image wallpaper in different sizes from a youtube video I used to have this tool a while ago, it just passes the video id and extracts the images and also can produce the ..

3:52 am, July 31, 2021
old browser check with javascript

modified from this script i console logged all the items available so you can do what you need with them these are the avilable variables Javascript console.log(browser.agent);console.log(browser...

2:56 am, July 26, 2021
using clamp js to clamp lines of text

there is a css version of this as well but this version works in a greater range of browsers (i think) this one is not working for me... i think the overflow elipsis is still a better option than thi..

11:17 pm, June 22, 2021
json load from jquery and loop through the results

this is the same as this post but i have added the object to an external test file. so rather than already having the object data on the page we have to load it somehow Note: you can test that the o..

6:48 am, May 25, 2021
check if a variable is undefined or NULL

this will check if the check1 variable is set if it undefined or NULL it will return

5:58 am, May 12, 2021
passing in arrays to your functions rather than using variables

this is probably an old technique, but i discovered it the other day when i was playing around, and i thought wow i should do this to all my functions, i cant see the downside, apart from having to re..

1:11 am, May 11, 2021
list a functions variables or arguments

i think this has to be used within the function to get its arguments, i have not tested this one yet.

12:12 am, April 21, 2021
php print an array nicely

this works for variables and arrays

3:14 am, April 20, 2021
php basic page router

this php page router while pretty basic does the job for this site. it takes all the query string and splits it with the / into $p variables you will also need the following nginx or similar page rew..

12:29 am, April 4, 2021
get the value of an input form element (input value)

add how to get the value of an input form element with javascript for some reason i can get this working with: Javascript console.log(document.getElementById("my_input").value); but when trying to..

11:56 pm, March 7, 2021
site bugs
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]

I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..

2:58 am, January 21, 2021
site bugs
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣

I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..

2:44 am, January 12, 2021
setting up css variables in your stylesheet

Using css variables at the start of your stylesheet can make things down the road much easier to change. You can also use it for more complex variables like drop shadow settings as shown below. ..

5:36 am, October 14, 2020
wordpress get home url

this uses the global wordpress variable to retrieve the home url

5:03 am, June 16, 2020
javascript isset equivalent

i was just looking for an equivalent to the isset in php for javascript, i was initially using .length but this can still cause errors so i found this solution. if (typeof my_var !== 'undefined') {}

6:39 am, May 19, 2020
Add a post date to your custom wordpress post listing

this is an example using: get_the_date: this one gets the post date the_excerpt: which gets the .. excerpt or summary text from the post and get_the_post_thumbnail_url which gets the image from th..

5:49 am, May 4, 2020
Nginx Server Block with Rewrite

Nginx Server Block with Rewrite Here is a basic nginx server block with rewrite to the index.php file. So it takes all the parameters and passes them into the index, into the variable $p or $_GE..

11:16 pm, March 29, 2020
ES6 Nested Object Example

extracting variables from a nested object with new variable names

1:09 am, February 3, 2020
Get the documentURI with JS

This function gets the current document URI assigns it to the variable documentURI so it can be reused and shows it in the result area once you click on run function.

10:06 pm, January 28, 2020
Using the rest operator to pass in a variable amount of arguments

If you don't know how many parameters you will need in your function you can use the rest operator to pass them in. ...

5:49 am, October 1, 2019
using arrow functions to convert small functions into one line statement functions

in this exercise i will take a function variable and write it in one line using the arrow function

12:09 am, October 1, 2019
Changing an array declared with const

a const means that you cannot re-declare the variable name, but you can still mutate an array content that is declared as a const. so you can see in the following example that even though the array is..

6:17 am, September 30, 2019
using let and const example

This example uses let and const rather than just vars, let can only be declaired once rather than overwritten like vars and const is a read only variable so it cant be changed. 

4:55 am, September 27, 2019
using let rather than var

Using let rather than var and use strict can avoid some overwriting of variables i will write a function here that shows how let throws an error. This function now gives an error in the console. Uncau..

4:18 am, September 27, 2019
get the current url in javascript

this will get the current address add it to a variable and show it on the result element

3:47 am, September 13, 2019
Objects in javascript

creating and using an object in javascript, the full version of this testing is on codepen

11:25 pm, July 29, 2019
JS Using typeof to check on string types

you can use the typeof operator to check what kind of variables you have.

2:38 am, July 23, 2019
defining a variable inside a function without using var will create a global variable

here is an example showing a variable defined within a function showing how it becomes a global variable if not defined with var

5:15 am, July 22, 2019
remove something from the end of an array with pop

pop is the opposite of push and will remove the last item in an array, it also returns the value so you can assign it to a variable

5:58 am, July 16, 2019
accessing part of a variable using its index

you can access part of a string variable using its index[1]

4:34 am, July 16, 2019
CSS Improve Compatibility with Browser Fallbacks

when using css variables to increase compatibility you should also include a normal color as a default.

2:04 am, July 9, 2019
How Many Days Since a Date and other Calculations

Here i calculate the number of days since a certain date in php and use the values for checking how much something costs per day.  Start Date Lets add the date that the item was purchaced. In d..

12:27 am, February 11, 2019
Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..

11:33 pm, December 13, 2018
for loop set variables $p1,$p2.. etc as blank - variable variables

this will loop through and assign the variable $p1 = ""; to each in the loop so it appends the loop number to the variable name so you end up with $p1 = "value"; $p2 = "value2"; etc, rather than h..

3:53 am, October 24, 2018
assign array to variables in a loop

this will assign all items in the array to variables $p1,$p2.. etc. $p = "/1/2/3/4/5/"; $page_array = explode("/",$p); foreach ($page_array as $key => $value) { if($value > "") { ${"p".$pc..

5:36 am, October 17, 2018
remove all of an element in a string <h1>

good if you want to remove all of the instances of an element in a string like if you have a <h1> tag in your string and want to remove it you can use the following code. $additional = "some te..

6:25 am, August 31, 2018
using custom request headers array with curl

this function passes in an array with custom request headers to curl, good if you need to pass in some headers to request an api url and give it an auth key or something like that. Also added to the a..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
truncate string using jquery

.test { padding:10px;border:1px solid #999;border-radius: 3px; } so lets say we had the following string on the page and we needed to make it a bit shorter for some reason. like if you dont have co..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
stacktable jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens

stacktable.js The purpose of stacktable.js is to give you an easy way of converting wide tables to a format that will work better on small screens. It creates a copy of the table that is converted in..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
using getElementById and innerHTML to change the html of content no jquery

this is pretty simple, but i always forget it so ill add it here document.getElementById("theid").innerHTML = "the new content"; heres how it works, add a div with an id of theid Example .. <d..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
check the server method post or get using php

Here is a basic usage method for checking if the server is in post or get mode. most normal pages are served in get mode. You can send data back to a page using get by adding variables to the string ..

6:17 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

"Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything. 'Are you feeling all right?' I asked her. 'I feel all sleepy,' she said. In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead. The measles had turned into a terrible thing called measles encephalitis and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her. That 1962, but even now, if a child with measles happens to develop the same deadly reaction from measles as Olivia did, there would still be nothing the doctors could do to help her. On the other hand, there is today something that parents can do to make sure that this sort of tragedy does not happen to a child of theirs. They can insist that their child is immunised against measles. ...I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the first was ‘James and the Giant Peach’. That was when she was still alive. The second was ‘The BFG’, dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children."

I just checked google books for BFG, and the dedication is there. 

Roald Dahl, 1986
Random CSS Property


The <length> CSS data type represents a distance value. Lengths can be used in numerous CSS properties, such as width, height, margin, padding, border-width, font-size, and text-shadow.
length#vmax css reference