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content-visibility and contain-intrinsic-size for page load rendering speed increase

interested to see if this makes any difference content-visibility The content-visibility CSS property controls whether or not an element renders its contents at all, along with forcin..

1:06 am, May 30, 2022
Site Bugs
Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/html/bundle/responsive-viewport-meta-tag-responsive-meta-tag/index.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/pages/ on line 167

i think that the content in this location is not writable by php so need to change the permissions too fix this error.  This should fix it, as it was not correctly write permissioned Bash cs /..

1:56 am, May 21, 2022
CSS Only Table Stacking Solution

11:24 pm, February 8, 2022
Common and Uncommon Meta Tag's and Social Meta Tags

I am writing an api that checks for meta tags so i thought i would add a list here of some of the common meta tag names that i found.  The ones prefixed with og: are facebook and linked in and s..

3:46 am, December 19, 2021
creating embedded php code from a database field

i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..

4:23 am, August 26, 2021
using jquery appear for checking if an element is visible on screen

Yes.. sometimes i like using jquery as well, as it can make things so easy! :) Here is a quick demo using the JQuery Appear plugin so make an element change if it on or off screen.  Plugin Link..

12:24 am, December 1, 2020
Viewport width and height calculations

Rather than using px and em you can also use the vw and vmin to resize elements which depend on the width and height of the display.

12:30 am, July 2, 2019
responsive viewport meta tag (responsive meta tag)

this one meta tag will make the page appear correctly on mobile devices. You may need to do other things to get all the other elements to fit. Here is the one I usually use <meta name="viewport" ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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Warning: This property has been replaced by the break-after property.
page-break-after css reference