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Guide to maxing in F2P Ironman RS3

Text Version Guide to maxing in RS3 F2P ironman - A path to 99 all by Maghda ver. 1.1c Join the F2pironmanfc friends chat and discord! ( :) Link to image version: https:/..

1:53 am, February 8, 2024
Kree'arra - Boss Guide with Necromancy GWD1 | Runescape 3

Here is my guide for the God Wars Dungeon One boss Kree'arra, Just a quick one with the basics of how to get there and fight with Necromancy.

4:18 am, November 4, 2023
Guide to maxing in RS3 F2P ironman - ver. 1.1c to maxing in RS3 F2P ironman - A path to 99 all by Maghda ver. 1.1c Join the F2pironmanfc friends chat and discord! ( :) Link to image v..

3:43 am, August 6, 2023
wIn-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.4 (last updated 8-18-2020) wIn-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.4 (last updated 8-18-2020) By Asura Zoma Re-written by Tannerdino This guide aims to give the most efficient approach to maxing..

3:35 am, August 6, 2023
In-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.1 (last updated 05-06-18) F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.1 (last updated 05-06-18) By Asura Zoma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOT..

3:33 am, August 6, 2023
RS3 Essential Quest Order and Research Notes

After coming back to Runescape after leaving the account for many, many years. I have maxed skills well 99s anyway, but am still missing many quests. Here is my quest log so far. Im missing a lot of t..

4:31 am, July 29, 2023
Getting Your First TzKal-Zuk Kill with Terrible DPS and Almost Full-Revolution  

1:45 pm, July 13, 2023
Top RS3 Quests to Complete

  Throne of Miscellania The Fremennik Trials The World Wakes. River of Blood. Ritual of the Mahjarrat. Desert Treasure. ✅ City of Senntisten. Curse of th..

8:10 am, July 12, 2023
Achievement Guide Varrock Easy Tasks | Runescape 3

Varrock Easy Tasks

3:57 am, June 30, 2023
A Fairy Tale Part 1 - Growing Pains - Quick Quest Guide   

1:07 am, June 27, 2023
Slayer Guide - Acheron Mammoths | Runescape 3

Quick guide on how to fight and combat Acheron Mammoths for slayer task. #rs3 #runescape

1:09 am, June 23, 2023
RS3 - Contract Claws - mystery and achievement - Voiced

A Quick Guide on how to complete the Contract Claws Mystery and Achievement

6:43 am, June 9, 2023
RS3 - Why Did the Lobster Blush - Quick Achievement Guide

Why Did the Lobster Blush? is an achievement that requires the player to collect three seaweed from the shore north-east of Rellekka. The same seaweed can be dropped and picked up 3 times. Head over ..

3:30 am, January 10, 2023
RS3 Slayer
RS3 Slayer - Ganodermic Creatures

Ganodermic beasts are monsters requiring a Slayer level of 95 to kill. They are found at the bottom of the Polypore Dungeon (this includes the Agility and resource section). Players cannot receive the..

11:04 pm, December 13, 2022
RS3 Slayer
Abyssal Demons on Slayer Task Guide

Abyssal Demons on Slayer Task Guide

3:36 am, December 11, 2022
RS3 Slayer
Greater Demons

Greater Demons are a Mid level demon that can be taken down by using ranged attacks, you can use other methods but ranged is the most efficient.  Greater Demon Location The best place to farm..

3:31 am, December 10, 2022
installing kali linux in windows from the app store

After watching this amazing video, i got inspired to install kali linux from the windows app store. Amazing! I was actually watching the news before this and i thought, eh depressing, so ended up watc..

10:45 pm, December 1, 2022
What's the Point of Docker?

What's the Point of Docker? These are my notes on installing docker on a VPS, there a bit jumbled, but mostly a full collection of the commands i used to get docker working with docker co..

3:47 am, June 16, 2022
New Ubuntu Server Setup Details and Packages for NGINX with SQLite Web Server and Certbot

This is the list of things that i install and commands that i run to setup a new linux VPS Server using Ubuntu, this is for version 18.x or 20.x of ubuntu, and the php-fpm version usually also changes..

3:11 am, February 9, 2022
chia mining research notes

So i had the great idea yesterday after reading an article on mining chia and how it will be easy and non GPU intensive, to start mining it. I thought oh i have a few spare TB sitting around on ext..

2:21 am, May 5, 2021
Level 3 to All Capes - Ultimate Runescape Guide

I will be updating this as i go, with additional information and links. File originaly comes from this google sheet. Which i have found to be a bit out of date with certain items.  Update - 20 J..

2:02 am, February 18, 2021
RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods - With Videos

This is a some what high level guide to the fastest skilling methods in RS3. Some of the skills have high requirements, so this just lists the fastest methods to skill them. This guide is based on thi..

12:28 am, August 18, 2020
RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods - Table

Skill Most efficient (10m/hr TVC)† Reqs Cost With BoostsGp/xp Xp/hr (Base) Video Of Method(For complicated methods) Notes Agility SH boots(non boot wearing skill) 99 Agilit..

12:25 am, August 18, 2020
RS3 Best AFK training all skills

Skill AFK method Requirements Xp/hr (Base) Agility Silverhawks +AFK skill or Serenity posts daily 99 Agility, Silverhawks, Barbarian assault bxp and Nimble outfit 160,480 (68,800) [..

12:15 am, August 18, 2020
RS3 Divination locations 1-99

Divination locations. Level Location Type 1-10 West of Lumbridge Crater Pale 10-20 North of Falador Flickering 20-30 Between Varrock and the Digsite Bright 30-40 So..

12:18 am, May 27, 2020
RS3 Runescape Archaeology 1-99 Mattock Guide

At what level should you go to the mat tock shop and get a new mattock. Level 1-9: Bronze Mattock Level 10-19: Iron mattock Level 20-29: Steel mattock Level 30-39: Mithril mattock Level 40-49: Ad..

3:43 am, May 21, 2020
RS3 Runescape Archaeology 1-99 Leveling Guide List (of where to dig)

1-99 Archaeology Quick Guide. This is a rough list of where to go at what Archaeology Level you are for maximum exp. Level 1-5: Varrock Digsite Tutorial Level 5-12: Venator Remains (Kharid-et) Lev..

3:10 am, May 21, 2020

Privacy Policy for KruXoR At KruXoR, accessible from, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is ..

10:56 pm, June 24, 2019
Efficient OSRS Maxing Guide

I found this an easier way to read this guide, Source is down below. GENERAL SKILL ORDER Aim for quest cape ASAPDo early:99 Fishing91 Thieving (get rogue at 80)Complete diaries as soon as you get th..

1:19 am, January 22, 2019
Crafting - 1 - 99 guide

Levels    Details    Amount   XP    Items Needed    Material Cost Each    End Product Price Each   Pr..

5:02 am, January 20, 2019
Farming Guides

Bank Setup for Farming Making Super Compost The easiest way i found to do this, is just buy 15 melons from the GE and add them to a compost bin, i used the one below Falador. Close the bin and..

3:54 am, January 19, 2019
1-99 Agility (Without Kandarin Hard Diaries)

Here are the courses that you should do per level 1-10 Gnome Stronghold Agility Course 10-20 Draynor Village Rooftop Course 20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop Course 30-40 Varrock Rooftop Course 40-60 Can..

4:43 am, January 5, 2019
Oldschool Runescape Ironman guide By OzirisRS

Oldschool RunescapeIronman guideBy OzirisRSRe-formatting + images + details added by KruXoR Contents Introduction Pre-Text Starting Out Early quests, wintertodt and ardy cloak 1 (71) Lumbrid..

12:31 pm, December 29, 2018
OSRS Optimal Quest Guide

Old School Runescape Quest Guide Quest/Action QG New levels after finishing quest Quest points Total QP Additional info The Restless Ghost QG 9  Prayer 1 1 Run fr..

4:45 am, December 28, 2018
OSRS Members Fishing Guide

Here is the method that i used to level fishing. In members OSRS. This is fairly AFK using this method so you can dual login, or do something else while fishing and just listen out for the inventory f..

12:13 am, December 28, 2018
Top 10 Terraria Houses

I thought that i would extract the top 10 terraria houses from here, just so that i could reference them for ideas. Here we go... 10. TerrarianKhaios 09. MultipleEggs 08. IcyOrio 07. PinoySh..

5:34 am, September 11, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
Alfred D. Souza
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