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:where()The :where() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as its argument, and selects any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list. /* Selects any paragraph inside..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

url()The url() CSS function is used to include a file. The parameter is an absolute URL, a relative URL, a blob URL, or a data URL. The url() function can be passed as a parameter of another CSS funct..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

url()The url() CSS function is used to include a file. The parameter is an absolute URL, a relative URL, a blob URL, or a data URL. The url() function can be passed as a parameter of another CSS funct..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

:targetThe :target CSS pseudo-class represents a unique element (the target element) with an id matching the URL's fragment. /* Selects an element with an ID matching the current URL's fragment */ :ta..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

::spelling-errorExperimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The ::spelling-error CSS pseudo-element represents a te..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

pointer-eventsThe pointer-events CSS property sets under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can become the target of pointer events.Syntax/* Keyword values */ pointer-events: aut..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

:is() (:matches(), :any()) Note: :matches() was renamed to :is() in CSSWG issue #3258. The :is() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as its argument, and selects any element that can be..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

<image>The <image> CSS data type represents a two-dimensional image.SyntaxThe <image> data type can be represented with any of the following: An image denoted by the url() data ty..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

<image>The <image> CSS data type represents a two-dimensional image.SyntaxThe <image> data type can be represented with any of the following: An image denoted by the url() data ty..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

:hoverThe :hover CSS pseudo-class matches when the user interacts with an element with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. It is generally triggered when the user hovers over an e..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

::grammar-errorExperimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The ::grammar-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

cursorThe cursor CSS property sets the mouse cursor, if any, to show when the mouse pointer is over an element. The cursor setting should inform users of the mouse operations that can be performed ..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

caret-colorThe caret-color CSS property sets the color of the insertion caret, the visible marker where the next character typed will be inserted. This is sometimes referred to as the text input curso..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022
::after (:after)

::after (:after)In CSS, ::after creates a pseudo-element that is the last child of the selected element. It is often used to add cosmetic content to an element with the content property. It is inline ..

12:22 am, February 22, 2022

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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"Let us prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's books each day ... The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time."
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The border-inline-start CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical inline-start border property values in a single place in the style sheet.
border-inline-start css reference