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CSS Bundle

Hi there and welcome to CSSBundle. Here at CSS Bundle we aim to find the best css and javascript bundles and demos and add them here to make them easy to find all in one place. If you woul..

11:18 pm, March 24, 2022

GitHub - AllThingsSmitty/css-protips: A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro

GitHub - AllThingsSmitty/css-protips: A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro ..

10:39 pm, March 21, 2022

Font Awesome Icons [ Icons ] - CSS Bundle

Font Awesome Icons I have been using this awesome font library for so long now that i almos overlooked it as being such a stable web developer resource for an amazing set of icons and easy to..

10:39 pm, March 20, 2022

GitHub - jonasstrehle/supercookie: ⚠️ Browser fingerprinting via favicon!

Supercookie uses favicons to assign a unique identifier to website visitors.Unlike traditional tracking methods, this ID can be stored almost persiste..

1:02 am, February 7, 2021

I Just Hit $100k/yr On GitHub Sponsors! 🎉❤️ (How I Did It) | Caleb Porzio

Jun 2020 I have a story to tell. My last year as a full-time developer (at Tighten[1]) was 2018. (Read “On Leaving My Day Job”[2] for that story) My income for that year was ~$90k..

12:06 am, June 24, 2020

Getting Started with WireGuard » Miguel Mota | Software Developer

WireGuard[1] is a relatively new VPN tunnel protocol that aims to be very fast and easy to setup. It follows the Unix Philosophy[2] closely in that it only does one thing (creating secured VPN tunnels..

5:29 am, April 8, 2020

Diana Smith | UI Engineer / Web Developer / Frontend Specialist | cyanharlow @ GitHub

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9:48 pm, November 4, 2019

20 essential skills for successful web designers | Webflow Blog

Being a web designer involves harmoniously combining visuals and content. But non-technical skills, like collaboration and communication, are also important. Here's a medley of 20 skills to help you b..

11:22 pm, October 1, 2019

660+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This July

Seven years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public. Today, more than 900 schools[1] around the world have created thousands of f..

12:53 am, July 16, 2019

It's time to replace GIFs with AV1 video!

11:30 pm, May 9, 2019


This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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I'm a big believer in energy and the secret and that sort of thing.
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The ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text in an <input> or <textarea> element.
::placeholder css reference