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GitHub - humanloop/awesome-chatgpt: Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3

GitHub - humanloop/awesome-chatgpt: Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3 GPT General Resources ChatGPT Official App OpenAI API Documentation chatGPT launch blog Ch..

3:33 am, December 13, 2022

Paul Butler – What does it mean to listen on a port?

This story explores some concepts in computer networking, inspired by Michael Nielsen’s idea of discovery fiction[1]. Code samples can also be found in this repo[2]. Excerpts use openbsd-flavoured n..

11:49 am, February 15, 2022

Leaflet maps with data from Google Sheets - Chris Arderne

Leaflet maps with data from Google Sheets - Chris Arderne ..

12:18 am, October 12, 2020

Getting Started with WireGuard » Miguel Mota | Software Developer

WireGuard[1] is a relatively new VPN tunnel protocol that aims to be very fast and easy to setup. It follows the Unix Philosophy[2] closely in that it only does one thing (creating secured VPN tunnels..

5:29 am, April 8, 2020

Live.js - One script closer to Designing in the Browser

Live.js - One script closer to Designing in the Browser one script closer to designing in the browser Say goodbye to Alt-Tab. Live.js makes sure you're alw..

12:15 am, September 4, 2019

660+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This July

Seven years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public. Today, more than 900 schools[1] around the world have created thousands of f..

12:53 am, July 16, 2019

The Zen of Programming

6:54 am, August 3, 2018

Google's Python Class  |  Python Education  |  Google Developers

10:22 pm, March 6, 2018


This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

“Make no mistake: This is not your diary. You are not letting it all hang out. You are picking and choosing every single word.”

Dani Shapiro
Random CSS Property


The flex-basis CSS property sets the initial main size of a flex item. It sets the size of the content box unless otherwise set with box-sizing.
flex-basis css reference