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v. t.

To place on a royal seat; to enthrone.

6:14 am, April 22, 2023
v. t.

To make pure or clear from material defilement, admixture, or imperfection; to free from extraneous or noxious matter; as, to purify liquors or metals; to purify the blood; to purify the air...

4:16 am, April 11, 2023

The act of beatifying, or the state of being beatified; esp., in the R. C. Church, the act or process of ascertaining and declaring that a deceased person is one of "the blessed," or has atta..

12:00 pm, April 10, 2023
v. t.

To declare (a deceased person) a saint; to put in the catalogue of saints; as, Thomas a Becket was canonized.

9:00 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To render immortal; to cause to live or exist forever.

8:58 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness.

8:57 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To make sacred or holy; to set apart to a holy or religious use; to consecrate by appropriate rites; to hallow.

8:56 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To inclose in a shrine or chest; hence, to preserve or cherish as something sacred; as, to enshrine something in memory.

8:56 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To make noble; to elevate in degree, qualities, or excellence; to dignify.

8:55 am, April 6, 2023
v. t.

To make glad; to cheer; to please; to gratify; to rejoice; to exhilarate.

1:47 pm, April 5, 2023
p. a.

Dedicated; set apart; devoted; consecrated.

12:23 pm, April 5, 2023
v. t.

To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames.

12:22 pm, April 5, 2023

Elevated; raised aloft.

12:22 pm, April 5, 2023
v. t.

To seat on a throne; to exalt to the seat of royalty or of high authority; hence, to invest with sovereign authority or dignity.

12:11 pm, April 5, 2023
v. t.

To make great; to enlarge; to increase; as, to aggrandize our conceptions, authority, distress.

4:32 pm, April 4, 2023

A chair of state, commonly a royal seat, but sometimes the seat of a prince, bishop, or other high dignitary.

3:47 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To render clean; to free from fith, pollution, infection, guilt, etc.; to clean.

3:31 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To make holy; to set apart for holy or religious use; to consecrate; to treat or keep as sacred; to reverence.

3:30 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To make or pronounce holy; to consecrate

12:58 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To treat or regard as a lion or object of great interest.

12:58 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To regard with reverence, or profound respect and affection, mingled with awe or fear; to venerate; to reverence; to honor in estimation.

12:58 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To make glorious by bestowing glory upon; to confer honor and distinction upon; to elevate to power or happiness, or to celestial glory.

12:51 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To make a god of; to exalt to the rank of a deity; to enroll among the deities; to apotheosize; as, Julius Caesar was deified.

12:51 pm, April 4, 2023
imp. & p. p.

of Beatify

12:32 pm, April 4, 2023

A person sanctified; a holy or godly person; one eminent for piety and virtue; any true Christian, as being redeemed and consecrated to God.

12:27 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher place; to lift upward; to elevate; to heave; as, to raise a stone or weight.

12:16 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To raise high; to elevate; to lift up.

12:05 pm, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To lift or raise aloft; to raise; to elevate; as, to uplift the arm; to uplift a rock.

11:57 am, April 4, 2023
v. t.

To make great, or greater; to increase the dimensions of; to amplify; to enlarge, either in fact or in appearance; as, the microscope magnifies the object by a thousand diameters.

9:14 am, April 4, 2023

of Crow

7:24 am, April 4, 2023

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