Posted in Site Bugs
6:39 am, May 20, 2022

Search Duplicating Bugs

Still having issues with the word above duplicating, not sure why. 

Search Page

PHP - Get Search Value

$search_value_encoded = htmlentities($search_value);

Check for Search value, and then list all items matching that value.

if($search_value > "") {
    $page_content .= $class->list_all(
        $start = $start_val,
        $max = $page_step,
        $search_term = $search_value

List type is search


if($list_type == "search") {

    $search_term_urlenc = rawurlencode($search_term);
    $search_term_urlenc = "search_text:::" . $search_term_urlenc;

    $search_sql = "";
    foreach($this->load_array as $load_var) {
        $search_sql .= "$load_var like '%$search_term%' or ";
    $search_sql = rtrim($search_sql,"or ");

    /* -- old search sql
    $sql = "select * from $db_table_name where
    title like '%$search_term%' or
    additional like '%$search_term%' or
    category like '%$search_term%' or
    uid like '%$search_term%'
    order by insdate desc limit $start,$max";

    $sql = "select * from $db_table_name where
    order by insdate desc limit $start,$max


Add search function, i think there might be an issue here


/* add search result  */
if( $out > "" ) {
    // record search term if enabled
    if($list_type == "search") {
      global $record_searches;
      $record_search_val = true;

      // if the search value is from comments and its 5 then its a uid so dont record it.
      if($db_table_name == "comments") {
        if(strlen($search_term) <= 5) {
          $record_search_val = false; // skip the uid search recording

      if($record_searches && $record_search_val) {
        $searches = new searches;
        if($searches->load_from_title($this->db_table_name . " " . $search_term)) {
          // update existing
          $searches->search_number = $searches->search_number + 1;
        } else {
          // add search
          $searches->title = $this->db_table_name . " " . $search_term;
          $searches->search_term = $search_term;
          $searches->search_class = $this->db_table_name;
          $searches->search_number = 1;

/* add search result  */

I think the load from title may be an issue here, may need to add a md5 of the class and title name to fix this. 

Add md5 field to the searches class extend


  public $load_array = [

Also append the searches db table with a new md5 field

Another bug editing the db.

Prob an old or very old version of php lite admin, 

Version: 1.9.8-dev

Added md5 to search class, and sqlite, need to find load_from_md5 function and add it. 

this is not quite what i wanted, i might modify it a bit.


// check if a product already exists by its md5
public function md5_exists($md5) {
    $db_table_name = $this->db->escapeString($this->db_table_name);
    $md5 = $this->db->escapeString($md5);
    $sql = "select id from $db_table_name where md5 = '$md5' limit 1";
    $result = $this->db->query($sql);
    if(!$result) { return false; }
    while($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
        $this->id = $row['id'];
        return true;
    return false;

Ok i have fixed this record searches with a md5 added to the row rather than it loading from the title.

Seems to be working, as there are no longer multiple above searches appearing, and it is now updating latest searches properly. 


        // if there is something in out and it is a search result then record it.
        /* add search result  */
        if( $out > "" ) {
            // record search term if enabled
            if($list_type == "search") {
              global $record_searches;
              $record_search_val = true;

              // if the search value is from comments and its 5 then its a uid so dont record it.
              if($db_table_name == "comments") {
                if(strlen($search_term) <= 5) {
                  $record_search_val = false; // skip the uid search recording

              if($record_searches && $record_search_val) {
                $searches = new searches;
                // md5_exists(md5)
                $search_title_table = $this->db_table_name . " " . $search_term;
                $md5_search_title = md5($search_title_table);
                // if($searches->load_from_title($search_title_table)) {
                if($searches->md5_exists($md5_search_title)) {
                  // update existing
                  if($searches->load_from_id($searches->id)) {
                    $searches->search_number = $searches->search_number + 1;
                } else {
                  // add search
                  $searches->title = $this->db_table_name . " " . $search_term;
                  $searches->search_term = $search_term;
                  $searches->search_class = $this->db_table_name;
                  $searches->search_number = 1;
                  $searches->md5 = $md5_search_title;

        /* add search result  */

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