Posted in react
12:24 am, October 12, 2021

What is a Stateless Functional Component in React

What is a Stateless Functional Component?

A stateless component is one that can recive data and render it, but it does not manage the provided data or track changes to it. 

This method creates a javascript function that returns JSX or null. Which is also known as a component or JSX component (or a react component?).

React also requires that you start the function name with a Capital Letter, which seems very picky. 

So you cant have a function called myFunction it has to be called MyFunction.

When testing this i could not get it to render properly, as i think you have to call the function within < and > according to this document

so rather than this to render the MyComponent function

ReactDOM.render(MyComponent, document.getElementById('root')) 

it becomes this

ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('root'))

just testing this using the react browser tools, and it registers as a component!


<div id="root"></div>


<script src="" integrity="sha512-5PVmWGoNJocWPdQJmJd1aRbz3cFcFgXctWKLWcitqtgX64jF+ttfg9g2oLltmeQ1HUo3gT6QchaMK3h+S+JG4Q==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-pUsjUv+9XgkTn+UbLyNIT4YNZPF2p0E45FBKmDL7Ti8iovYwp2CUkQs6Q7J9y5scLxWaOM+T5jJc0ls+WHUcmQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/babel">
const MyComponent = function() {
  // Change code below this line
	return (
      <div className="my-component">
      	The text string in my class. 
  // Change code above this line
// ReactDOM.render(MyComponent, document.getElementById('root'))
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('root'))


const MyComponent = function() {
  // Change code below this line
	return (
      <div className="my-component">
      	The text string in my class. 
  // Change code above this line

External Link for What is a Stateless Functional Component in React

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