Posted in image formatting
4:32 am, November 9, 2022

can you set all image heights to match with css no stretching

Short Answer: Yes with object-fit: cover; on the css of the image properties. 

object-fit: cover;

You might also need: 

object-position: right bottom;



<h3>Images that are all over the place</h3>
<p>images that do not look nice and formatted in a grid.</p>
<div class="image-heights">
	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
<h3>Add object fit and apply a height and width</h3>
<p>add a class to these images and they all line up nicely with no stretching of the images</p>
<div class="nice-heights">
	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
	<img src="">
  	<img src="">
  	<img src="">


.nice-heights img {
  	object-fit: cover;
  	object-position: left top;

Images that are all over the place

images that do not look nice and formatted in a grid.

Add object fit and apply a height and width

add a class to these images and they all line up nicely with no stretching of the images

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The CSS place-items shorthand property allows you to align items along both the block and inline directions at once (i.e. the align-items and justify-items properties) in a relevant layout system such as Grid or Flexbox. If the second value is not set, the first value is also used for it.
place-items css reference