Load from Fields (two)

Matches two tables and field data to load and returns true or false. Initially written for loading a rating value when unique id and rating number are passed in. This has been written this way to allow future usage when 2 tables and values need to be matched. Taken from function load_from_field also in core. 

This will only load one matching result. If there are more than one it will load the 1st one it finds and return true.


load_from_fields_two($field_one_name, $field_one_value, $field_two_name, $field_two_value )






load_from_fields_two($field_one_name, $field_one_value, $field_two_name, $field_two_value )



id: 2
uid: AoNOn
insdate: 2020-01-20 01:37:21
title: Load from Fields (two)

Matches two tables and field data to load and returns true or false. Initially written for loading a rating value when unique id and rating number are passed in. This has been written this way to allow future usage when 2 tables and values need to be matched. Taken from function load_from_field also in core. 

This will only load one matching result. If there are more than one it will load the 1st one it finds and return true.

category: functions
function_name: load_from_fields_two($field_one_name, $field_one_value, $field_two_name, $field_two_value )
class_name: core

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