Quick Summary for initial-value (@property)
Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Code Usage for initial-value (@property)
@property --property-name {   syntax: '<color>';   inherits: false;   initial-value: #c0ffee; }  @property --property-name {   syntax: '<color>';   inherits: true;   initial-value: #c0ffee; } 
More Details for initial-value (@property)


Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The initial-value CSS descriptor is required when using the @property at-rule unless the syntax accepts any valid token stream. It sets the initial-value for the property.

The value chosen as the initial-value must parse correctly according to the syntax definition. Therefore, if syntax is <color> then the initial-value must be a valid color value.


@property --property-name {   syntax: '<color>';   inherits: false;   initial-value: #c0ffee; }  @property --property-name {   syntax: '<color>';   inherits: true;   initial-value: #c0ffee; } 


A string with a value which is a correct value for the chosen syntax.

Formal definition

Related at-rule@property
Initial valuen/a (required)
Computed valueas specified

Formal syntax



Add type checking to --my-color custom property, as a color, the initial-value being a valid color:

Using CSS @property at-rule:

@property --my-color {   syntax: '<color>';   inherits: false;   initial-value: #c0ffee; } 

Using JavaScript CSS.registerProperty:

window.CSS.registerProperty({   name: '--my-color',   syntax: '<color>',   inherits: false,   initialValue: '#c0ffee', }); 


CSS Properties and Values API Level 1 # initial-value-descriptor

See also

CSS Properties and Values API CSS Painting API CSS Typed Object Model CSS Houdini

Last modified: Aug 12, 2021, by MDN contributors

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