Quick Summary for font-language-override
The font-language-override CSS property controls the use of language-specific glyphs in a typeface.
Code Usage for font-language-override
/* Keyword value */ font-language-override: normal;  /* <string> values */ font-language-override: "ENG";  /* Use English glyphs */ font-language-override: "TRK";  /* Use Turkish glyphs */  /* Global values */ font-language-override: initial; font-language-override: inherit; font-language-override: revert; font-language-override: unset; 
More Details for font-language-override


The font-language-override CSS property controls the use of language-specific glyphs in a typeface.

/* Keyword value */ font-language-override: normal;  /* <string> values */ font-language-override: "ENG";  /* Use English glyphs */ font-language-override: "TRK";  /* Use Turkish glyphs */  /* Global values */ font-language-override: initial; font-language-override: inherit; font-language-override: revert; font-language-override: unset; 

By default, HTML's lang attribute tells browsers to display glyphs designed specifically for that language. For example, a lot of fonts have a special character for the digraph fi that merge the dot on the "i" with the "f." However, if the language is set to Turkish the typeface will likely know not to use the merged glyph; Turkish has two versions of the "i," one with a dot (i) and one without (ı), and using the ligature would incorrectly transform a dotted "i" into a dotless "i."

The font-language-override property lets you override the typeface behavior for a specific language. This is useful, for example, when the typeface you're using lacks proper support for the language. For instance, if a typeface doesn't have proper rules for the Azeri language, you can force the font to use Turkish glyphs, which follow similar rules.


The font-language-override property is specified as the keyword normal or a <string>.



Tells the browser to use font glyphs that are appropriate for the language specified by the lang attribute. This is the default value.


Tells the browser to use font glyphs that are appropriate for the language specified by the string. The string must match a language tag found in the OpenType language system. For example, "ENG" is English, and "KOR" is Korean.

Formal definition

Initial valuenormal
Applies toall elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

normal | <string>


Using Danish glyphs

<p class="para1">Default language setting.</p> <p class="para2">This is a string with the <code>font-language-override</code> set to Danish.</p> 
p.para1 {   font-language-override: normal; }  p.para2 {   font-language-override: "DAN"; } 


CSS Fonts Module Level 4 # font-language-override-prop

See also

font-variant, font-variant-position, font-variant-east-asian, font-variant-caps, font-variant-ligatures, font-variant-numeric, font-variant-alternates, font-synthesis, font-kerning. Select your preferred language English (US)EspañolFrançais日本語中文 (简体) Change language

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