Quick Summary for font-kerning
The font-kerning CSS property sets the use of the kerning information stored in a font.
Code Usage for font-kerning
font-kerning: auto; font-kerning: normal; font-kerning: none;  /* Global values */ font-kerning: inherit; font-kerning: initial; font-kerning: revert; font-kerning: unset; 
More Details for font-kerning


The font-kerning CSS property sets the use of the kerning information stored in a font.

Kerning defines how letters are spaced. In well-kerned fonts, this feature makes character spacing more uniform and pleasant to read than it would otherwise be.

In the image below, for instance, the examples on the left do not use kerning, while the ones on the right do:


font-kerning: auto; font-kerning: normal; font-kerning: none;  /* Global values */ font-kerning: inherit; font-kerning: initial; font-kerning: revert; font-kerning: unset; 



The browser determines whether font kerning should be used or not. For example, some browsers will disable kerning on small fonts, since applying it could harm the readability of text.


Font kerning information stored in the font must be applied.


Font kerning information stored in the font is disabled.

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies toall elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

auto | normal | none


Enabling and disabling kerning

<div id="kern"></div> <div id="nokern"></div> <textarea id="input">AV T. ij</textarea> 
div {   font-size: 2rem;   font-family: serif; }  #nokern {   font-kerning: none; }  #kern {   font-kerning: normal; } 
let input  = document.getElementById('input'); let kern   = document.getElementById('kern'); let nokern = document.getElementById('nokern');  input.addEventListener('keyup', function() {   kern.textContent = input.value; /* Update content */   nokern.textContent = input.value; });  kern.textContent = input.value; /* Initialize content */ nokern.textContent = input.value; 


CSS Fonts Module Level 4 # font-kerning-prop

See also

font-variant, font-variant-position, font-variant-east-asian, font-variant-caps, font-variant-ligatures, font-variant-numeric, font-variant-alternates, font-synthesis, letter-spacing

Last modified: Aug 12, 2021, by MDN contributors

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