Quick Summary for counters()
The counters() CSS function enables nested counters, returning a concatenated string representing the current values of the named counters, if there are any. The counters() function has two forms: counters(name, string) or counters(name, string, style). It is generally used with pseudo-elements, but can be used, theoretically, anywhere a <string> value is supported. The generated text is the value of all counters with the given name, from outermost to innermost, separated by the specified string. The counters are rendered in the style indicated, defaulting to decimal if no style is specified.
Code Usage for counters()
/* Simple usage  - style defaults to decimal */ counters(countername, '-');  /* changing the counter display */ counters(countername, '.', upper-roman) 
More Details for counters()


The counters() CSS function enables nested counters, returning a concatenated string representing the current values of the named counters, if there are any. The counters() function has two forms: counters(name, string) or counters(name, string, style). It is generally used with pseudo-elements, but can be used, theoretically, anywhere a <string> value is supported. The generated text is the value of all counters with the given name, from outermost to innermost, separated by the specified string. The counters are rendered in the style indicated, defaulting to decimal if no style is specified.

/* Simple usage  - style defaults to decimal */ counters(countername, '-');  /* changing the counter display */ counters(countername, '.', upper-roman) 

A counter has no visible effect by itself. The counters() function (and counter() function) is what makes it useful by returning developer defined content.

Note: The counters() function can be used with any CSS property, but support for properties other than content is experimental, and support for the type-or-unit parameter is sparse.

Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.




A name identifying the counters, which is the same case-sensitive name used for the counter-reset and counter-increment. The name cannot start with two dashes and can't be none, unset, initial, or inherit.


A counter style name or symbols() function, where a counter style name is a numeric, alphabetic, or symbolic simple predefined counter style, a complex longhand east Asian or Ethiopic predefined counter style, or other predefined counter style. If omitted, the counter-style defaults to decimal


Any number of text characters. Non-Latin characters must be encoded using their Unicode escape sequences: for example, \000A9 represents the copyright symbol.

Formal syntax

counters( <counter-name>, <string>, <counter-style>? )

where <counter-name> = <custom-ident><counter-style> = <counter-style-name> | symbols()

where <counter-style-name> = <custom-ident>


default value compared to upper Roman

<ol>   <li>      <ol>         <li></li>         <li></li>         <li></li>       </ol>   </li>   <li></li>   <li></li>   <li>      <ol>         <li></li>         <li>            <ol>               <li></li>               <li></li>               <li></li>            </ol>         </li>       </ol>   </li> </ol> 
ol {   counter-reset: listCounter; } li {   counter-increment: listCounter; } li::marker {    content:  counters(listCounter, '.', upper-roman) ') '; } li::before {   content:  counters(listCounter, ".") " == " counters(listCounter, ".", lower-roman) ; } 

decimal-leading-zero compared to lower-alpha

<ol>   <li>      <ol>         <li></li>         <li></li>         <li></li>       </ol>   </li>   <li></li>   <li></li>   <li>      <ol>         <li></li>         <li>            <ol>               <li></li>               <li></li>               <li></li>            </ol>         </li>       </ol>   </li> </ol> 
ol {   counter-reset: count; } li {   counter-increment: count; } li::marker {    content: counters(count, '.', upper-alpha) ') '; } li::before {   content: counters(count, ".", decimal-leading-zero) " == " counters(count, ".", lower-alpha); } 


CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3 # counter-functions

See also

Using CSS Counters counter-set counter-reset counter-increment @counter-style CSS counter() function ::marker

Last modified: Jan 7, 2022, by MDN contributors

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