Quick Summary for place-items
The CSS place-items shorthand property allows you to align items along both the block and inline directions at once (i.e. the align-items and justify-items properties) in a relevant layout system such as Grid or Flexbox. If the second value is not set, the first value is also used for it.
Code Usage for place-items
/* Keyword values */ place-items: center; place-items: normal start;  /* Positional alignment */ place-items: center normal; place-items: start legacy; place-items: end normal; place-items: self-start legacy; place-items: self-end normal; place-items: flex-start legacy; place-items: flex-end normal; place-items: left legacy; place-items: right normal;  /* Baseline alignment */ place-items: baseline normal; place-items: first baseline legacy; place-items: last baseline normal; place-items: stretch legacy;  /* Global values */ place-items: inherit; place-items: initial; place-items: revert; place-items: unset; 
More Details for place-items


The CSS place-items shorthand property allows you to align items along both the block and inline directions at once (i.e. the align-items and justify-items properties) in a relevant layout system such as Grid or Flexbox. If the second value is not set, the first value is also used for it.

Constituent properties

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

align-items justify-items


/* Keyword values */ place-items: center; place-items: normal start;  /* Positional alignment */ place-items: center normal; place-items: start legacy; place-items: end normal; place-items: self-start legacy; place-items: self-end normal; place-items: flex-start legacy; place-items: flex-end normal; place-items: left legacy; place-items: right normal;  /* Baseline alignment */ place-items: baseline normal; place-items: first baseline legacy; place-items: last baseline normal; place-items: stretch legacy;  /* Global values */ place-items: inherit; place-items: initial; place-items: revert; place-items: unset; 


One of the following forms:

A single align-items value, which is used to set alignment in both block and inline directions. An align-items value, which sets alignment in the block direction, followed by a justify-items value, which sets alignment in the inline direction.

Formal definition

Initial valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:align-items: normaljustify-items: legacy
Applies toall elements
Computed valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:align-items: as specifiedjustify-items: as specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

<'align-items'> <'justify-items'>?


Placing items in a flex container

In flexbox justify-self or justify-items do not apply, as on the main axis items are treated as a group. Therefore, the second value will be ignored.

#container {   height:200px;   width: 240px;   place-items: stretch; /* You can change this value by selecting another option in the list */   background-color: #8c8c8c;   display: flex; }  

Placing items in a grid container

The following grid container has items which are smaller than the grid areas they are placed in, therefore place-items will move them in the block and inline dimensions.

#gridcontainer {   height:200px;   width: 240px;   place-items: stretch; /* You can change this value by selecting another option in the list */   background-color: #8c8c8c;   display: grid;   grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); }  #gridcontainer > div {   width: 50px; }  


CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 # place-items-property

See also

CSS Flexbox Guide: Basic Concepts of Flexbox CSS Flexbox Guide: Aligning items in a flex container CSS Grid Guide: Box alignment in CSS Grid layouts CSS Box Alignment The align-items property The align-self property The justify-items property The justify-self property

Last modified: Feb 4, 2022, by MDN contributors

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