Quick Summary for transition-property
The transition-property CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Code Usage for transition-property
/* Keyword values */ transition-property: none; transition-property: all;  /* <custom-ident> values */ transition-property: test_05; transition-property: -specific; transition-property: sliding-vertically;  /* Multiple values */ transition-property: test1, animation4; transition-property: all, height, color; transition-property: all, -moz-specific, sliding;  /* Global values */ transition-property: inherit; transition-property: initial; transition-property: revert; transition-property: unset; 
More Details for transition-property


The transition-property CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.

Note: The set of properties that can be animated is subject to change. As such, you should avoid including any properties in the list that don't currently animate, as someday they might, causing unexpected results.

If you specify a shorthand property (e.g., background), all of its longhand sub-properties that can be animated will be.


/* Keyword values */ transition-property: none; transition-property: all;  /* <custom-ident> values */ transition-property: test_05; transition-property: -specific; transition-property: sliding-vertically;  /* Multiple values */ transition-property: test1, animation4; transition-property: all, height, color; transition-property: all, -moz-specific, sliding;  /* Global values */ transition-property: inherit; transition-property: initial; transition-property: revert; transition-property: unset; 



No properties will transition.


All properties that can transition will.


A string identifying the property to which a transition effect should be applied when its value changes.

Formal definition

Initial valueall
Applies toall elements, ::before and ::after pseudo-elements
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

none | <single-transition-property>#

where <single-transition-property> = all | <custom-ident>


Simple example

This example performs a four-second font size transition when the user hovers over the element, the transition-property is the font-size.

<a class="target">Hover over me</a> 
.target {   font-size: 14px;   transition-property: font-size;   transition-duration: 4s; }  .target:hover {   font-size: 36px; } 

You will find more examples of transition-property included in the main CSS transitions article.


CSS Transitions Level 2 # transition-property-property

See also

Using CSS transitions transition transition-duration transition-timing-function transition-delay TransitionEvent Select your preferred language English (US)DeutschEspañolFrançais日本語中文 (简体) Change language

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