Quick Summary for line-gap-override (@font-face)
The line-gap-override CSS descriptor defines the line-gap metric for the font. The line-gap metric is the font recommended line-gap or external leading.
Code Usage for line-gap-override (@font-face)
line-gap-override: normal; line-gap-override: 90%; 
More Details for line-gap-override (@font-face)


The line-gap-override CSS descriptor defines the line-gap metric for the font. The line-gap metric is the font recommended line-gap or external leading.


line-gap-override: normal; line-gap-override: 90%; 



The default value. When used the metric value is obtained from the font file.


A <percentage> value.

Formal definition

Related at-rule@font-face
Initial valuenormal
Percentagesas specified
Computed valueas specified

Formal syntax

normal | <percentage>


Overriding metrics of a fallback font

The line-gap-override property can help when overriding the metrics of a fallback font to better match those of a primary web font.

@font-face {   font-family: web-font;   src: url(""); }  @font-face {   font-family: local-font;   src: local(Local Font);   line-gap-override: 125%; } 


CSS Fonts Module Level 4 # font-metrics-override-desc

See also

descent-override font-display font-family font-weight font-style font-stretch font-variant font-feature-settings font-variation-settings line-gap-override src size-adjust unicode-range descriptor

Last modified: Aug 12, 2021, by MDN contributors

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