Quick Summary for font-variant (@font-face)
The font-variant CSS shorthand property allows you to set all the font variants for the fonts specified in the @font-face rule.
Code Usage for font-variant (@font-face)
font-variant: small-caps; font-variant: common-ligatures small-caps;  /* Global values */ font-variant: inherit; font-variant: initial; font-variant: unset; 
More Details for font-variant (@font-face)


The font-variant CSS shorthand property allows you to set all the font variants for the fonts specified in the @font-face rule.

Constituent properties

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

font-variant-alternates font-variant-caps font-variant-east-asian font-variant-ligatures font-variant-numeric


font-variant: small-caps; font-variant: common-ligatures small-caps;  /* Global values */ font-variant: inherit; font-variant: initial; font-variant: unset; 



Specifies a normal font face; each of the longhand properties has an initial value of normal. Longhand properties of font-variant are: font-variant-caps, font-variant-numeric, font-variant-alternates, font-variant-ligatures, and font-variant-east-asian.


Sets the value of the font-variant-ligatures to none and the values of the other longhand property as normal, their initial value.

<common-lig-values>, <discretionary-lig-values>, <historical-lig-values>, <contextual-alt-values>

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-ligatures longhand property. The possible values are: common-ligatures, no-common-ligatures, discretionary-ligatures, no-discretionary-ligatures, historical-ligatures, no-historical-ligatures, contextual, and no-contextual.

stylistic(), historical-forms, styleset(), character-variant(), swash(), ornaments(), annotation()

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-alternates longhand property.

small-caps, all-small-caps, petite-caps, all-petite-caps, unicase, titling-caps

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-caps longhand property.

<numeric-figure-values>, <numeric-spacing-values>, <numeric-fraction-values>, ordinal, slashed-zero

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-numeric longhand property. The possible values are: lining-nums, oldstyle-nums, proportional-nums, tabular-nums, diagonal-fractions, stacked-fractions, ordinal, and slashed-zero.

<east-asian-variant-values>, <east-asian-width-values>, ruby

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-east-asian longhand property. The possible values are: jis78, jis83, jis90, jis04, simplified, traditional, full-width, proportional-width, ruby.

Formal definition

Related at-rule@font-face
Initial valuenormal
Computed valueas specified

Formal syntax

normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> || stylistic(<feature-value-name>) || historical-forms || styleset(<feature-value-name>#) || character-variant(<feature-value-name>#) || swash(<feature-value-name>) || ornaments(<feature-value-name>) || annotation(<feature-value-name>) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero || <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]

where <common-lig-values> = [ common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures ]<discretionary-lig-values> = [ discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures ]<historical-lig-values> = [ historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures ]<contextual-alt-values> = [ contextual | no-contextual ]<feature-value-name> = <custom-ident><numeric-figure-values> = [ lining-nums | oldstyle-nums ]<numeric-spacing-values> = [ proportional-nums | tabular-nums ]<numeric-fraction-values> = [ diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions ]<east-asian-variant-values> = [ jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | simplified | traditional ]<east-asian-width-values> = [ full-width | proportional-width ]


Setting the small-caps font variant

The following finds a local Open Sans font or imports it, and allows using the font for small-caps.

@font-face {   font-family: "Open Sans";   src: local("Open Sans") format("woff2"),        url("/fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff") format("woff");   font-variant: small-caps; } 


CSS Fonts Module Level 4 # font-variant-prop

See also

font-display font-family font-weight font-style font-stretch font-feature-settings font-variation-settings src unicode-range descriptor

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