Song from the Depths secret reward 1

Song from the Depths secret reward 1

Notes and Quest Details

This relates to the achievement: Scribbling in the Depths. 

After completing the song from the depths quest, once you have 80 Constitution you can complete this achievement. 

Enter the quest cave (entrance in a wall south of the Rimmington mining site)

Swim through the acid pool (requires 50 Constitution) and go through the only door to the east.

In the next cave, go west, then south, then east, then north.

Read the northern Ancient writings for 5,000 Constitution xp, then swim through the acid pool (requires 80 Constitution and will cause 50+ damage, but cannot kill you) and read the second wall for the remaining 25,000 Constitution experience.

Before reading the ancient writings, their examine text is, "This text is some kind of magic to fortify the body." Once the ancient writings have been read examine will yield the message "The writing has jumbled to become incomprehensible."




Time Spent on Task


Quest Order

Quest Order: 156

Quest Priority


Trimmed Completionist Cape








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