Death of Chivalry Combat Lamp

Death of Chivalry Combat Lamp

Notes and Quest Details

Chivalry is Dead is an achievement that requires the player to open all of the coffins and the supply crate in the Tomb of the Fallen, as well as kick the gilded cabbage thirty times, after completion of The Death of Chivalry. The supply crate can be found just south of the portal after you enter the tomb, next to the tents.

Time Spent

31 Dec 2022 - 3:10 - 3:20, 5:20 - 5:30, 20m. 


Chivalry is Dead Overview

Chivalry is Dead is an achievement that requires the player to open all of the coffins and the supply crate in the Tomb of the Fallen, as well as kick the gilded cabbage thirty times, after completion of The Death of Chivalry. The supply crate can be found just south of the portal after you enter the tomb, next to the tents.


Getting There

Tomb of the Fallen can be accessed through the portal on the roof of the Black Knights' Fortress, via Dulcin's office. Alternatively, players who have completed the quest can use the Skull of Remembrance to teleport to the portal directly.



Time Spent on Task


Quest Order

Quest Order: 79

Quest Priority




Master Quest Cape








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