Mcbarron Creek (CREEK), NSW Details


A watercourse about 2 km long rising at Cochraine Street Minto and travelling in WSW direction through council reserves including Pembroke Park before joining Bow Bowing Creek adjacent to Airds Road. Much of the creek has been cleared of natural vegetation. A low flow pipe has been buried under the creek for much of its length. The creek returns to a natural channel surrounded by Cumberland Plain Woodland at Pembroke Park.


Named in honour of `Edward John McBarron OAM who published many books for farmers and graziers. he published scientific papers on the flora of Albury and Campbelltown. Edward McBarron was awarded the Order of Australian Medal in 1992 for his contribution of recording both the cultural and natural heritage of Campbelltown.

Mcbarron Creek (CREEK), NSW
title Mcbarron Creek (CREEK)
state NSW
reference 80504
placename Mcbarron Creek
designation CREEK
geographical name
previous names
description A watercourse about 2 km long rising at Cochraine Street Minto and travelling in WSW direction through council reserves including Pembroke Park before joining Bow Bowing Creek adjacent to Airds Road. Much of the creek has been cleared of natural vegetation. A low flow pipe has been buried under the creek for much of its length. The creek returns to a natural channel surrounded by Cumberland Plain Woodland at Pembroke Park.
origin Named in honour of `Edward John McBarron OAM who published many books for farmers and graziers. he published scientific papers on the flora of Albury and Campbelltown. Edward McBarron was awarded the Order of Australian Medal in 1992 for his contribution of recording both the cultural and natural heritage of Campbelltown.
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