Albert Brown Park (RESERVE), NSW Details


Name suggested by Mr W B Larkin Hon Secretary Ermington Chamber of Commerce in response to the Councils community consultation regarding the names of reserves.


A reserve located between Stewart Street and Florida Avenue at Dundas. It occupies lot 2 of DP 218433 and provides pedestrian access between the two streets.


Brigadier (Ret.) Albert Oscar James Brown (24.02.1920 - 11.04.1994) Military Cross DSO served in World War 11 for 7 years with the Transport Division in Darwin. A prominent Ermington identity he was a lay preacher and youth worker and founded Tahmoor Childrens Home. (Parramatta Council letter date 5 September 1997)

Albert Brown Park (RESERVE), NSW
title Albert Brown Park (RESERVE)
state NSW
reference 80022
placename Albert Brown Park
designation RESERVE
geographical name
previous names
description A reserve located between Stewart Street and Florida Avenue at Dundas. It occupies lot 2 of DP 218433 and provides pedestrian access between the two streets.
origin Brigadier (Ret.) Albert Oscar James Brown (24.02.1920 - 11.04.1994) Military Cross DSO served in World War 11 for 7 years with the Transport Division in Darwin. A prominent Ermington identity he was a lay preacher and youth worker and founded Tahmoor Childrens Home. (Parramatta Council letter date 5 September 1997)
history Name suggested by Mr W B Larkin Hon Secretary Ermington Chamber of Commerce in response to the Councils community consultation regarding the names of reserves.
Albert Brown Park (RESERVE), NSW - Map

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