Yambool Creek (CREEK), NSW Details


Name submitted by Mrs Martin through the Mangrove Mountain Districts Community Group. Supported by the Darkinjung Aboriginal Council Gosford Council Forests and NP&WS.


A creek which starts at a point 1.3 km S by W of Basalt Hill and 8.8 km SE of Mount Lockyer. It is 3.1 km in length and flows in a generally southerly direction to its confluence with Warre Warren Creek.


Darkinjung word for the bottle brush flowers used to make a sweet drink.


Aboriginal. From the oral history of the Darkinjung people as submitted by Mrs Martin through the Mangrove Mountain Districts Community Group.

Yambool Creek (CREEK), NSW
title Yambool Creek (CREEK)
state NSW
reference 79805
placename Yambool Creek
designation CREEK
geographical name
previous names
description A creek which starts at a point 1.3 km S by W of Basalt Hill and 8.8 km SE of Mount Lockyer. It is 3.1 km in length and flows in a generally southerly direction to its confluence with Warre Warren Creek.
meaning Darkinjung word for the bottle brush flowers used to make a sweet drink.
origin Aboriginal. From the oral history of the Darkinjung people as submitted by Mrs Martin through the Mangrove Mountain Districts Community Group.
history Name submitted by Mrs Martin through the Mangrove Mountain Districts Community Group. Supported by the Darkinjung Aboriginal Council Gosford Council Forests and NP&WS.
Yambool Creek (CREEK), NSW - Map

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