Tarban (URBAN PLACE), NSW Details


In 1991 Hunters Hill Council proposed that Tarban be introduced as a new suburb name in the area of Gladesville Hospital which at the time was the subject of a residential redevelopment proposal.


A suburb within the Hunters Hill Municipality bounded by Tarban Creek the Gladesville Bridge interchange Victoria Road Salter Street and Manning Road. Boundary name for Huntleys Cove in Hunters Hill LGA see map GNB3539.


Tarban Lunatic Asylum was built in this area by the Colonial Government at a cost of 13000 pounds with work commencing in 1835. The name seems to have been changed to Gladesville by 1866 when Bailliere`s Gazetteer lists Tarban as `the name of the village of Gladesville` - apparently a name preferred by local residents.

title Tarban (URBAN PLACE)
state NSW
reference 78196
placename Tarban
designation URBAN PLACE
geographical name Huntleys Cove
previous names Gladesville
description A suburb within the Hunters Hill Municipality bounded by Tarban Creek the Gladesville Bridge interchange Victoria Road Salter Street and Manning Road. Boundary name for Huntleys Cove in Hunters Hill LGA see map GNB3539.
origin Tarban Lunatic Asylum was built in this area by the Colonial Government at a cost of 13000 pounds with work commencing in 1835. The name seems to have been changed to Gladesville by 1866 when Bailliere`s Gazetteer lists Tarban as `the name of the village of Gladesville` - apparently a name preferred by local residents.
history In 1991 Hunters Hill Council proposed that Tarban be introduced as a new suburb name in the area of Gladesville Hospital which at the time was the subject of a residential redevelopment proposal.
Tarban (URBAN PLACE), NSW - Map

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