Fred Caterson Reserve (RESERVE), NSW Details


The reserve was named during the 1981 Orange Blossom Festival.


A reserve in Castle Hill bounded by Castlehill and Cattai creeks and Showground Gilbert roads but excluding Castle Hill Cemetery and Pony Club area. It occupies Lot 22 of DP 610626 Lot 24 of DP 610627 Lot 26 of DP 610143 Lot 28 of DP 610074 Lot 2112 of DP 263858 Lot 235 of DP 811614 Lot 31 of DP 813 690 part of Lot 11 DP 815907 Lot 121 of DP 809467 Lot 61 of DP 819280 Lot 102 of DP 829205 and part of Lot 9 of DP 830013.


Frederick Douglas Claude Caterson (b 20 August 1919) was elected to Council in 1956 and served for 30 years including Deputy Shire Pres. for 21 years. In 1976 he was elected a Member for The Hills and remained so until his retirement in 1990. He was also associated with many local organisations.

Fred Caterson Reserve (RESERVE), NSW
title Fred Caterson Reserve (RESERVE)
state NSW
reference 75018
placename Fred Caterson Reserve
designation RESERVE
geographical name
previous names Fred Caterson Recreation Reserve
description A reserve in Castle Hill bounded by Castlehill and Cattai creeks and Showground Gilbert roads but excluding Castle Hill Cemetery and Pony Club area. It occupies Lot 22 of DP 610626 Lot 24 of DP 610627 Lot 26 of DP 610143 Lot 28 of DP 610074 Lot 2112 of DP 263858 Lot 235 of DP 811614 Lot 31 of DP 813 690 part of Lot 11 DP 815907 Lot 121 of DP 809467 Lot 61 of DP 819280 Lot 102 of DP 829205 and part of Lot 9 of DP 830013.
origin Frederick Douglas Claude Caterson (b 20 August 1919) was elected to Council in 1956 and served for 30 years including Deputy Shire Pres. for 21 years. In 1976 he was elected a Member for The Hills and remained so until his retirement in 1990. He was also associated with many local organisations.
history The reserve was named during the 1981 Orange Blossom Festival.
Fred Caterson Reserve (RESERVE), NSW - Map

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