Willyama Cove (COVE), NSW Details


Name proposed by Ms Kay Cockle who felt the naming would be a fitting tribute to the men who played a little known but significant role in contributing to the war effort. (`Forgotten Fleet` Linney and Finch)


A cove on the Parramatta River on the eastern side of Drummoyne. The northern end of the cove is just to the south of Wolseley Street and the southern end is near Lyons Road.


The word `Willyama` has been used many times in the history of Broken Hill. At one time it was the official government name for the locality. It is not known if there is a connection between the name of the ship and the name of the locality.


Willyama Two was a small ship manned by Australians used for supplies by the USA Army in New Guinea. In 1942 it was attacked by Japanese planes and suffered such damage that it was abandoned. Ralph Andrews who lives close to this cove was part owner and skipper prior to USA Army usage. He skippered another ship which was attacked on same day.

Willyama Cove (COVE), NSW
title Willyama Cove (COVE)
state NSW
reference 79143
placename Willyama Cove
designation COVE
geographical name
previous names
description A cove on the Parramatta River on the eastern side of Drummoyne. The northern end of the cove is just to the south of Wolseley Street and the southern end is near Lyons Road.
meaning The word `Willyama` has been used many times in the history of Broken Hill. At one time it was the official government name for the locality. It is not known if there is a connection between the name of the ship and the name of the locality.
origin Willyama Two was a small ship manned by Australians used for supplies by the USA Army in New Guinea. In 1942 it was attacked by Japanese planes and suffered such damage that it was abandoned. Ralph Andrews who lives close to this cove was part owner and skipper prior to USA Army usage. He skippered another ship which was attacked on same day.
history Name proposed by Ms Kay Cockle who felt the naming would be a fitting tribute to the men who played a little known but significant role in contributing to the war effort. (`Forgotten Fleet` Linney and Finch)
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