Yorky Waters Gully (GULLY), NSW Details


This name has been applied to the gully since 1947 at least. It was proposed by HC and R Jeavons in response to the Mangrove Mountain Naming Proposal Project. (For source of information see `ORIGIN`)


A gully which rises in an area 0.7 km NE of the junction of George Downes Drive and Collins Road and 10.6 km S by E of Mount Manning. It is about 6.5 km in length and flows from a dam in Por 73 in a easterly direction into Cedar Brush Creek.


In the early 1900s there was a pioneer timber cutter Yorky Waters who first cleared the track which is south of this gully and runs parallel to it. Mr A Castelli who lived on Por 150 between 1939-98 provided this information in 1947 when the Jeavons took up their land. (Jeavons HC and R naming proposal form 30 March 1998)

Yorky Waters Gully (GULLY), NSW
title Yorky Waters Gully (GULLY)
state NSW
reference 80155
placename Yorky Waters Gully
designation GULLY
geographical name
previous names
description A gully which rises in an area 0.7 km NE of the junction of George Downes Drive and Collins Road and 10.6 km S by E of Mount Manning. It is about 6.5 km in length and flows from a dam in Por 73 in a easterly direction into Cedar Brush Creek.
origin In the early 1900s there was a pioneer timber cutter Yorky Waters who first cleared the track which is south of this gully and runs parallel to it. Mr A Castelli who lived on Por 150 between 1939-98 provided this information in 1947 when the Jeavons took up their land. (Jeavons HC and R naming proposal form 30 March 1998)
history This name has been applied to the gully since 1947 at least. It was proposed by HC and R Jeavons in response to the Mangrove Mountain Naming Proposal Project. (For source of information see `ORIGIN`)
Yorky Waters Gully (GULLY), NSW - Map

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