Cadigal Reserve (RESERVE), NSW Details


Ashfield Mayor John Ward suggested the naming of the reserve during the International Year of Indigenous Persons. The reserve was previously locally known as Sunning Hill Reserve.


Open space adjacent to Hawthorne Canal between Parramatta Road and Grosvenor Crescent at Summer Hill. The land is owned by SRA Council and the Water Board leased by Council.


The Cadigal people occupied this area. Name selected after consultation with Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.


The Eora language group of Aboriginal people occupied the area and two smaller groups within that group were the Wangal and the Cadigal groups. They derived their living from fishing especially along the estuaries later known as Iron and Long Cove Creeks (latter now named Hawthorne Canal)

Cadigal Reserve (RESERVE), NSW
title Cadigal Reserve (RESERVE)
state NSW
reference 78652
placename Cadigal Reserve
designation RESERVE
geographical name
previous names
description Open space adjacent to Hawthorne Canal between Parramatta Road and Grosvenor Crescent at Summer Hill. The land is owned by SRA Council and the Water Board leased by Council.
meaning The Cadigal people occupied this area. Name selected after consultation with Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.
origin The Eora language group of Aboriginal people occupied the area and two smaller groups within that group were the Wangal and the Cadigal groups. They derived their living from fishing especially along the estuaries later known as Iron and Long Cove Creeks (latter now named Hawthorne Canal)
history Ashfield Mayor John Ward suggested the naming of the reserve during the International Year of Indigenous Persons. The reserve was previously locally known as Sunning Hill Reserve.
Cadigal Reserve (RESERVE), NSW - Map

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