

Word Type
v. t.
show Meaning Definition
To exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; -- the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers).
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Grand GuignolPassion playProsperoTom showaccompanyaccordaccount foractingadvertiseaffectaffectationaffectednessaffordafford proof ofairairinessairsairs and gracesalibiallegeallegorizeantimasqueapologyapparent characterappearappearanceappearancesapprovearguearisearrayarriveartificialityascertainattestattitudinizingaudience successauthenticateauto showballetbarebazaarbe conspicuousbe evidentbe indicative ofbe noticeablebe revealedbe seenbe significant ofbe symptomatic ofbe visiblebear outbecome manifestbecome visiblebenefitbespeakbestowbetokenbetraybillblazonblindblow inbluffbluffingboastboat showbombbragbrandishbravurabreakbreak the sealbreathebrilliancybring forthbring forwardbring home tobring into viewbring outbring to lightbring to noticebroadcast dramabroaden the mindburlesque showcatechizecertifychancecharacterizationcharacterizecharadecheatingcinchcinecinemacivilizeclarifyclear upcliff hangerclinchcloakcloset dramacolorcoloringcomecome forthcome forwardcome in sightcome outcome to handcome to lightcomedy dramacommercial complexconductconduct toconfirmconnotecontrastcorroboratecosmoramacovercover storycover-upcrackcritical successcrop outcycloramadangledaringdashdaytime serialdeal indebutdeceptiondecipherdelusiondelusivenessdemonstratedemonstrationdemythologizedenominatedenominationdenotationdenotedepictdesignationdeterminedevelopdevicedialoguedifferentiatedifferentiationdioramadirectdirect todisclosedisclosurediscoverdisguisedismaskdisplaydisportdissemblancedissemblingdissimulationdivulgedocumentary dramadramadramaloguedramatic playdramatic seriesdramaticsdramatizedraw the veilduodramaduologueeclateclipseedifyeffectelucidateembarrassembodyemergeemporiumenactenactmentenlightenentailenterentertainmentepic theaterescortestablishetalageeuhemerizeevidenceevinceexcuseexemplifyexhibitexhibitionexhibitionismexperimental theaterexplainexplain awayexplicateexpoexposeexpose to viewexpositexpositionexposureexpoundexpressexpressionexteriorsexternal appearanceexternalsextravaganzafacadefacefade infailurefairfakeryfakingfallaciousnessfalse airfalse appearancefalse frontfalse lightfalse showfalsenessfalsityfanfarefanfaronadefarewell performancefeigned belieffeigningfeintfigurefilmfingeringfixflairflashflauntflauntingflea fairflea marketflesh showflickflopflourishfollowfollow fromfour-flushingfraudfrontfurnish evidencegassergaudinessgeoramagetget ingiltgive awaygive evidencegive indication ofgive instructiongive lessons ingive reason forgive signgive the meaninggive tokengiveawayglareglossgo to showgrandstandgroundguideguisehandlehappeninghave a caseheave in sighthighlighthinthistrionicshithit showhold goodhold waterhumbughumbuggeryhypocrisyidealizationidentificationidentifyilluminateillumineillusionismillusionistillusivenessillustrateimageimmaterialityimpartimplyimpostureimpressionimprovisational dramaincarnateindicateindicationindicativenessinforminsincerityinstructinvolveissueissue forthlame excuselay barelay openlay outleadlead tolegitimate dramalet daylight inlet outlight showlikenesslocus standilook forthlook-inloomloom largemagicmagic actmagic showmagicianmake clearmake goodmake knownmake outmake plainmake the scenemanifestmanifestationmannerismmarkmarketmarket overtmarketplacemartmaskmasquemasqueradematerializemeanmeaningmeet the gazemelodramamere externalsmere showmeretriciousnessminstrel showmiraclemiracle playmonodramamonologuemoralitymorality playmortifymotion picturemountmoving picturemusic dramamusicalmusical revuemyrioramamysterymystery playnail downnamingnoteoccasionofferopenopen marketopen the eyesopen upopeningoperaostensible motiveostentostentationoutoutcropoutshineoutward appearanceoutward showovershadowpageantpageantrypanel showpanoplypanoramapantomimeparadepastoralpastoral dramapeep outperformperformancephantasmagoriaphotoplaypicking outpicturepicture showpiecepilotplayplayactingplayletplazapleadpoint out topoint the waypoint topointingpointing outpointing topomppoor excusepopularizeportrayposeposingposturepremierepresentpresentationpresentmentprestidigitationpretensepretensionpretentiousnesspretextproblem playproclaimproduceproductionprofferprojectprojectionprotestationproveprove to beprove trueprunes and prismspsychedelic showpsychodramapublic imagepublic motiveput onput rightput to shameput-offput-onputting on airsquiz showradio dramaraise the curtainrationalizereachreadrear its headrecordreeducaterefugeregisterremove all doubtrepresentrepresentationretrospectiverevealreviewrevuerialtoring upriseroll outroutesayschoolscreenseesee the lightseemingselectionsellsemblancesensational playserialset at restset forthset outset rightset straightsettlesettle the mattershamsharpen the witsshed light uponshepherdshifting sceneshineshine outshine throughshopping centershopping mallshopping plazashotshow forthshow howshow offshow signs ofshow the wayshow throughshow upshowingshowing-offsightsignalizesignificationsignifysimplifysimulacrumsimulationsitcomsituation comedysketchskitsleight of handsmoke screensoapsoap operasociodramasolvesorcerersorceryspeak for itselfspeak volumesspecificationspecious appearancespeciousnessspectaclespell outsplashsplurgesportspotlightspreadsqueakstagestage playstage presentationstage showstaginessstalking-horsestand forstand forthstand outstaplesteerstraight dramastratagemstream forthstreet marketstrike the eyestrip barestylishnesssubmitsubstantiatesubterfugesuccesssuggestsuggestionsuperficialitysupplysurface appearancesurface showsuspense dramaswaggerswan songsymbolizesymptomaticnesssymptomatizesymptomizetableautableau vivanttalk showteachteach a lessonteach the rudimentsteleplaytelevision dramatelevision playtelltend to showtestifytheater of crueltytheatrical performancetheatricsthrow light upontimetokentotal theatertrade fairtricktrot outtryoutturn upunactualityuncloakuncoverundrapeunfoldunfoldingunfoldmentunfurlunkennelunlockunmaskunnaturalnessunpackunravelunrealityunrollunscreenunsheatheunshroudunsubstantialityunveilunveilingunwrapupstageushervain showvariety showvarnishvarnishing dayvaudevillevauntvehicleveilveneerverifyvernissagewavewindow dressingword-of-mouth successwork

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# /. 3d pers. sing. pres. compar. compar. & superl. wa indic. present l. catechunenus, gr. obs sing. pres. ind. superl. a a & adv. a. a. & a. pron. a. & adv. a. & n. a. & pron. a. . a. / a. pron. a. / adv. a. vigorously a. or pron. a. superl. a., adv., & n. a/ adj. ads. adv. adv. & a. adv. & conj. adv. & n. adv. & prep. adv. / a. adv. / conj. adv. / interj. adv., & n. adv., prep., & conj. b. comp. compar. conj. conj. / adv. dat. & obj. e. i. fem. imp. imp. & p. p. imp. & p. p. adored imp. & p. p. fenced imp. & p. p., imp. & pp. imp. &. p. p. imp. / p. p. imp. p. p. imp., p. p., & a. imperative sing. inf. interj. interj. & adv. interj. & n. interj., adv., & n. n n . n. n. & a. n. & adv. n. & interj. n. & v n. & v. n. & v. i. n. & v. t. n. . n. / interj. n. collect. & pl. n. f. n. fem. n. i. n. masc. n. pl. n. sing & pl. n. sing. n. sing. & pl. n. t. n.. n./ n.masc. n.p. n.sing. & pl. obj. p pr. & vb. n. p. & a. p. a. p. p. p. p. & a p. p. & a. p. p. / a. p. p., fem. p. pr & vb. n. p. pr. p. pr. & pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb n. p. pr. & vb. p. pr. & vb. a. p. pr. & vb. e. p. pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb. n. p. pr. & vb/ n. p. pr. & vvb. n. p. pr. &. vb. n. p. pr. &vb. n. p. pr.& vb. n. p.a. p]. pr. & vb. n. pl. pref. prep. pron. pron. & a. pron. & conj. pron. / adj. pron. pl. pron., a., conj., & q. superl superl. superl. - supperl. v. v. & a. v. & n. v. i. v. i. & auxiliary. v. i. & i. v. i. & n. v. i. & t. v. i. / auxiliary v. t. v. t. & i. v. t. & n. v. t. & v. i. v. t.& i. v./. v.t
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“If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things. You see so much more than you could see before. It’s a discipline; you have to practice it.”
Steve Jobs
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