Items Listed in the Category webdev posted in Linx
Font Awesome Icons [ Icons ] - CSS Bundle Daily Dev Tips CSS Background Patterns by MagicPattern GitHub - ganlanyuan/tiny-slider: Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes. GitHub - jonasstrehle/supercookie: ⚠️ Browser fingerprinting via favicon! URL-encoder for SVG Bootstrap Icons · Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap GitHub - kognise/water.css: A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer Toggle light and dark themes in Bootstrap - DEV Deploy your Publish website for free on GitHub Pages - DEV Bootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world. GitHub - diegocard/awesome-html5: A curated list of awesome HTML5 resources Fixing PHP SQLite database is locked warning - Unable to execute statement: database is locked [ php ] - KruXoR 50 Developer tools to make your life a little easier GitHub - ForEvolve/bootstrap-dark: Bootstrap 4 dark theme that supports togging dark/light themes as well. There is no fluff, it changes the color of Bootstrap and that's it, no new thing to learn or unlearn, just Bootstrap, but Dark! Responsive Web Design Online Testing - isResponsive · Low Poly Pattern Generator Grid.js - Advanced table plugin HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements Roots | Modern WordPress Development Tools A Local Dev Tool For Every Project | Lando new.css Synchronized responsive testing, development, inspection | Vanamco Gold Price Charts Widgets | · Low Poly Pattern Generator Special tags that Google understands - Search Console Help 404 Error Page Codepen ScrollMagic ♥ Demo AOS - Animate on scroll library Font Awesome v4.7.0 - Icon Search Tool Carbon Offers — LowEndTalk Featherlight – The ultra slim jQuery lightbox. Tailwind CSS - A Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapidly Building Custom Designs HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements API Blueprint | API Blueprint Filtering Data Client-Side: Comparing CSS, jQuery, and React | CSS-Tricks CSS Quickies: CSS Variables - Or how you create a 🌞white/🌑dark theme easily - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Responsive Slider Timeline Colormind - the AI powered color palette generator Get Waves – Create SVG waves for your next design Nuxt.js - The Vue.js Framework CodeSandbox: Online Code Editor Tailored for Web Application Development Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects Live.js - One script closer to Designing in the Browser Color this sofa! – SVG + Blend Mode trick You Might Not Need jQuery CSS Wave Animation with a .png Get the cursor location coordinates with jquery and javascript / Store your data just by sending us HTTP Requests How To Create a User Rating Scorecard Tips for rolling your own lazy loading | CSS-Tricks So you think you know JavaScript? - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes: The Frontpage of /r/nba HTML can do that? - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Single Ticker Widget — Free and Powerful Tool — TradingView SimpleBar - Custom scrollbars made simple The ultimate favicon generator Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time Animated Underline Hover Front-end Developer Handbook 2019 - Learn the entire JavaScript, CSS and HTML development practice! Buefy: lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma | Buefy concrete.css PixiJS v4 How to Create Custom HTML Elements - Treehouse Blog Netlify: All-in-one platform for automating modern web projects. Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer Responsive Table | Foundation 6 SweetAlert Toastr by CodeSeven Source code beautifier / syntax highlighter – convert code snippets to HTML « Animated SVG / CSS clock face showing current time w/ transforms Tailwind CSS - A Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapid UI Development Re-implementing jQuery methods in the HTMLElement prototype - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Slick slider with animate.css You Might Not Need JavaScript UI testing with Nightmare · Segment Blog Featherlight – The ultra slim jQuery lightbox. Ease Visualizer for GSAP | HTML5 Animation | GreenSock Plain JavaScript - Element Styles Frontend Mentor | Curated front-end resources list Facebook Posting to a Page vCard Maker - Free electronic business card generator Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc 8 simple CSS3 transitions that will wow your users | Webdesigner Depot Caddy - The HTTP/2 Web Server with Automatic HTTPS GitHub - umpox/TinyEditor: A functional HTML/CSS/JS editor in less than 400 bytes The Zen of Programming Surreal CMS: A Simple CMS For Your Clients. Essential Chrome Developer Tools: Beginner to Master Introduction — Vue.js 70,200 Free Icons (SVG, PNG) Learn these JavaScript fundamentals and become a better developer How To Create a Slideshow Software and technology stacks used by top companies | StackShare git - the simple guide - no deep shit! GitHub - mourner/dead-simple-grid: Dead Simple Grid is a responsive CSS grid micro framework that is just that. Dead simple. Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG) Move.js - CSS3 animation framework for JavaScript Freenom - A Name for Everyone Remodal v1. The modal done right. Reflex grid - a lightweight responsive flexbox grid with cross browser support, an inline-block fallback and no polyfills. Meshki: The most stylish CSS library on planet Earth! HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements Front End Wizard Freelancer - One Page Theme - Start Bootstrap Video wallpaper and css filters Recap of Front-end Dev in 2017 · Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 miniPaint - image editor Cloud Text-to-Speech - Speech Synthesis  |  Google Cloud Quick Guide: How to put Invisible reCaptcha on your website Codrops | Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS | MDN html2canvas- Take Screenshot of Web Page and Save It to Server (Javascript and PHP) – Kubilay Erdogan Home Page Calm Ocean Waves Slite: The note app for teams Every Fucking Bootstrap Website Ever Ace - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web GitHub - kennethreitz/requests-html: HTML Parsing for Humans™ Base64 Image Encoder MJML - The Responsive Email Framework Regexper How to Build a Million-Dollar WordPress Plugin Business - Indie Hackers Reason · Reason lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems. GitHub - turbolinks/turbolinks: Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster Gold Dashboard Kitco Precious Metals Charts Pushy - Off-Canvas Navigation Menu What Is AWS Lambda? - AWS Lambda GitHub - kristopolous/BOOTSTRA.386: A vintage 1980s DOS inspired Twitter Bootstrap theme CodeFlask.js -- Simple code editor for awesome web pages. Timeline - A responsive, jQuery-based timeline generator How Stripe Designs Beautiful Websites - Lee Robinson Online JSON Viewer Grid by Example Full-Screen Layout using Flexbox - Lazy loading with inline SVG How to use SVG as a Placeholder, and Other Image Loading Techniques

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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Random Quote
The mind must be given relaxation; it will arise better and keener after resting. As rich fields must not be forced-for their productiveness, the have no rest, will quickly exhaust them constantlabor will break the vigor of the mind, but if it is released and relaxed a little while, it will recover its powers
Random CSS Property


The <length> CSS data type represents a distance value. Lengths can be used in numerous CSS properties, such as width, height, margin, padding, border-width, font-size, and text-shadow.
<length> css reference