List Hits

Total Items found in Hits is 538819.
A Collection of Hits...

2:16 am, July 1, 2024

2:19 am, July 1, 2024
v i

2:31 am, July 1, 2024
php mysql table exists function

2:36 am, July 1, 2024
Radial Click Effect

2:38 am, July 1, 2024

2:39 am, July 1, 2024
basic for loop

2:39 am, July 1, 2024
RS3 Divination locations 1-99

2:39 am, July 1, 2024
header type json

2:40 am, July 1, 2024
search bug Above

2:40 am, July 1, 2024
wordpress get site url

2:40 am, July 1, 2024
php get file and save it

2:40 am, July 1, 2024
check length of element jquery

2:40 am, July 1, 2024
Whois Lookup

2:41 am, July 1, 2024
style page numbers [fixed]

2:41 am, July 1, 2024
get the current url in javascript

2:41 am, July 1, 2024
flex shorthand css

2:41 am, July 1, 2024
meta keywords tag

2:41 am, July 1, 2024
Prevent Object Mutation

2:42 am, July 1, 2024

2:45 am, July 1, 2024
python Install Beautiful Soup

2:48 am, July 1, 2024
check box highlight text area css

2:58 am, July 1, 2024
Enabling SSH on Ubuntu

3:10 am, July 1, 2024
sqlite basic sql and loop results

3:15 am, July 1, 2024

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
“We ought to take outdoor walks in order that the mind may be strengthened and refreshed by the open air and much breathing.".
Random CSS Property


The scroll-margin-block-end property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the end of the block dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container's coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-block-end css reference