List Hits

Total Items found in Hits is 539682.
A Collection of Hits...
white space pre-wrap formatting

6:47 am, July 3, 2024
Some New String tools

6:59 am, July 3, 2024

7:00 am, July 3, 2024
Quick Embed - Google Font - Inter

7:08 am, July 3, 2024
RS3 Post 99 Leveling Log

7:09 am, July 3, 2024
Get Current Page URL PHP

7:13 am, July 3, 2024
show the year with js

7:14 am, July 3, 2024
css html vertical center

7:16 am, July 3, 2024
Thieving training : 1 - 99

7:23 am, July 3, 2024
get element by id and hide it

7:23 am, July 3, 2024
change favicon with jquery

7:27 am, July 3, 2024

7:28 am, July 3, 2024

7:42 am, July 3, 2024
fancybox v3.4 - Mixed gallery

7:42 am, July 3, 2024
Top 10 Terraria Houses

7:45 am, July 3, 2024
get element by id with javascript

7:45 am, July 3, 2024
RS3 Herb Locations

7:47 am, July 3, 2024
count the elements in an array

7:50 am, July 3, 2024
RS3 Dailies Lists

7:57 am, July 3, 2024
CSS Drawing - Beach Scene

8:03 am, July 3, 2024
digital clock with jquery

8:03 am, July 3, 2024
Importing CSS Reference

8:20 am, July 3, 2024
twitter social sharing meta tags

8:21 am, July 3, 2024
Slick Slider Carousel

8:26 am, July 3, 2024
csv read example

8:29 am, July 3, 2024
list group card item template

8:40 am, July 3, 2024
testing equality

8:47 am, July 3, 2024

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
When I realized that, no individual step is hard in any process. Building this airport I'm standing in right now started with a guy writing the architectural plans on paper. That's not hard for him to do. Then laying the first beam isn't had. The whole thing is really hard. So, just take each step kind of piece by piece and when I was able to do that and stop trying to chase this prize and started putting in the work, things just started coming together.
Random CSS Property


The margin-left CSS property sets the margin area on the left side of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.
margin-left css reference