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Date Conversion PHP

2:48 am, January 11, 2022
Create a Simple JSX Element

2:48 am, January 11, 2022
lorem ipsum

2:43 am, January 11, 2022
cycle color using background

2:36 am, January 11, 2022
tinymce remove auto p tags setting

2:31 am, January 11, 2022
using a css grid area template

1:51 am, January 11, 2022
play a sound every # of seconds

1:34 am, January 11, 2022
easy section wrap in foundation

1:30 am, January 11, 2022
pre-line white space settings

1:28 am, January 11, 2022
hide the third row in a table with css

1:17 am, January 11, 2022
logo tickers marquee slow scrolling

1:11 am, January 11, 2022
zoom background of element when active

1:00 am, January 11, 2022
PHP/SQLite - Load Random Item

12:58 am, January 11, 2022
wordpress get home url

12:54 am, January 11, 2022
purple partyhat price info feb 21

12:45 am, January 11, 2022
show post content on template wordpress

12:44 am, January 11, 2022
adding react to a website in 3 steps

12:27 am, January 11, 2022
grid column and row spacing

12:25 am, January 11, 2022
random number using rand

11:55 pm, January 10, 2022
csv read example

11:54 pm, January 10, 2022
try catch test

11:53 pm, January 10, 2022

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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Random CSS Property


CSS 2 used a single-keyword syntax for the display property, requiring separate keywords for block-level and inline-level variants of the same layout mode. This page details those values.
<display-legacy> css reference