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The surprising afterlife of used hotel soap

One of the first things many of us do when we settle into a hotel room is reach for the packaged bar of soap on the bathroom counter. These soaps are the single most-utilized amenity at hote..

1:25 am, April 25, 2022

Satellite Imagery Shows Northern California Kelp Forests Have Collapsed | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

The coastal waters of Northern California are changing. A decade ago, hundreds of miles of the rugged seaside were flanked by thick, swaying underwater forests of amber-green ..

9:58 am, March 15, 2021

Absolutely everything* you need to know about online mapping tools - The Lede Program

This is post 3 of 3 in the series “Data Work 101” Data Work 101: Absolutely everything* you need to know to work with code or data [1] ..

12:17 am, October 12, 2020

HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements

A list of everything that *could* go in the <head> of your document Table of Contents Recommended Minimum Below are the essential elements for any web document (websites/ap..

6:13 am, May 22, 2020

How To Set up OpenVPN Server In 5 Minutes on Ubuntu Linux - nixCraft

I am a new Ubuntu Linux server user. How do I setup an OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu Linux version 14.04, or 16.04/18.04 LTS server to shield my browsing activity from bad guys on public Wi-Fi, and more? ..

3:44 am, May 22, 2020

&quot;Whispers Wonder” ~ Japanese Trance &amp; Progressive Mix (Harmonically Mixed) - YouTube

VOLUME 3 IS OUT:[1]Photo by Taro MoberlyCheck out his breathtaking photography:[2]This captivating and exquisite photo wh..

5:24 am, January 21, 2020

Daniel Sada Caraveo – How to sleep at night having a cloud service: common Architecture Do&#39;s – Software, Notes & Quantum

Over my work in different scales of services, I’ve noticed that there is a common pattern in some of these services that makes them easier to approach and cause less headaches to the engineers that ..

10:09 pm, November 12, 2019


Create and share beautiful images of your source code.Start typing or drop a file into the text area to get started.Sign in/upThemeLanguageBackground MenuSettings MenuTweetExportaboutsponsorfeedbackso..

2:23 am, October 28, 2019

HEAD - A free guide to &lt;head&gt; elements

A list of everything that *could* go in the <head> of your document Table of Contents Recommended Minimum Below are the essential elements for any web document (websites/..

10:49 pm, September 30, 2019

Get Waves – Create SVG waves for your next design

4:09 am, September 11, 2019

You Might Not Need jQuery

jQuery and its cousins are great, and by all means use them if it makes it easier to develop your application. If you're developing a library on the other hand,..

11:24 pm, August 18, 2019

660+ Free Online Programming &amp; Computer Science Courses You Can Start This July

Seven years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public. Today, more than 900 schools[1] around the world have created thousands of f..

12:53 am, July 16, 2019

So you think you know JavaScript? - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

JavaScript is an interesting language and we all love it because of its nature. Browsers are the home for JavaScript and both work together at our service.JS has a few concepts where people t..

5:45 am, July 8, 2019

Gamasutra - How id built Wolfenstein 3D using Commander Keen tech

The following excerpt is a chapter of "Game Engine Black Book: [1]Wolfenstein 3D", an in-depth examination of the history, code, and development of id Software's influential Nazi-killing first-perso..

10:54 pm, June 25, 2019

The Psychology of Money · Collaborative Fund

Let me tell you the story of two investors, neither of whom knew each other, but whose paths crossed in an interesting way. Grace Groner was orphaned at age 12. She never married. She never had kids. ..

10:53 pm, June 3, 2018

I will tell you exactly what is going on here, this is critical information to understand if you are going to make money in this space. How prices work, and what moves them - and it's not money invested/withdrawn.

I've made a similar post in a few spots, and this is something that is absolutely critical for people to understand... what impacts price, and what is going on lately. Price has only a very minor corr..

2:40 am, February 6, 2018


This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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I believe that success can be measured in the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have.
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The :enabled CSS pseudo-class represents any enabled element. An element is enabled if it can be activated (selected, clicked on, typed into, etc.) or accept focus. The element also has a disabled state, in which it can't be activated or accept focus.
:enabled css reference