Posted in core
11:33 pm, December 13, 2018

Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to define everything easily. I wanted something where i could just add items into an array and they would auto be created in a database taking away some of the pain of creating table structures and all that kind of thing.

For each core extend it creates a new database file in sqlite, so each extend is contained in its own file. Im not sure how this degrades the site performance, but it seems to work ok so far.

When the rows of each database exceed 100,000 it seems to slow a bit in text searching but i would guess that this would happen most data bases that have text searching so it wouldnt make too much of a difference. 

This is just the core class structure i will add each core function seperately and explain each bit or just add the code. 


class core {

    public $status = "";
    public $nice_name = "Core";
    public $nice_description = "The Main Core";
    public $title_url_length = 100;
    public $images_enabled = true; // enable or disable the use of image links in this class

    public $db; // was private static
    public $db_directory = "/../db/";
    public $db_table_name = "core";
    public $db_file_location = ""; // can set manually if do not want to use default name. 

    public $add_to_menu = false; // add this class to the main menu

    protected $core_version = "core 1.0.1";
    // default database variables + array
    public $id;
    public $uid;
    public $insdate;
    public $title;
    public $additional;
    public $category;
    public $load_array = [


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