HOW - Pure CSS - cyanHarlow


box-shadow: 6px -11px 20px 1px red, -15px -15px 5px -10px blue, inset 5px 5px 35px 10px green;

Layering multiple box-shadows is one of the best ways to add depth. Box-shadows will adhere to the edge of the html container and will even follow a path altered by border-radius.The parameters are as such:

border-radius: [X axis], [Y axis], [blur radius], [spread outward or inward];

box-shadow: -15px -15px 5px -10px blue, 6px -11px 20px 1px red, inset 5px 5px 35px 10px green;

And remember - order matters! From left to right = top to bottom.

See what PureCSS Francine looks like without box-shadow [2]
keywords cyanharlow, diana, css, art, how

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