

Word Type
v. i.
quaver Meaning Definition
To tremble; to vibrate; to shake.
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Bebungaccidentalanthemaphoniaartificial voiceballadbobbobblebouncebreakbrevebroken speechbroken tonesbroken voicebumpcarolchantchatterchildish treblechirpchirrupchoirchoked voicechoruscracked voicecroakcrooncrotchetcrowdemisemiquaverdescantdidderdisquietdisquietudeditherdithersdo-re-midominantdominant notedouble whole notedrawldysarthriadyslaliadyslogiadysphasiadysphoniadysphrasiaeighth noteenharmonicenharmonic notefalsettofalterfidgetfidgetinessfidgetsflatflip outfluctuatefluctuationflutterfreak out onget high onglowgo pitapatgrimacehalf noteharshnesshave an aguehave the fidgetshave the shakeshawking voiceheaveheavinghemidemisemiquaverhesitatehisshoarsenesshumhustlehymnidioglossiaidiolaliaimpairment of speechinquietudeintonateintonejactitatejarjerkjigjiggetjigglejogjogglejoltjostlejouncejumpliltlisplispingloss of voiceminceminimminstrelmusical notemuzzy speechnasal tonenasalizationnaturalnoteoscillateoscillationpalpitatepalpitationpantpantingpatent notepipepitapatpitter-patterpsalmquakequakingquarter notequaveringquiverquiveringreportresponding noterestlessnessrictusrouladesemibrevesemiquaverserenadeshakeshake all overshakesshakingshaped notesharpshivershiversshockshuddersibilationsingsing in chorussixteenth notesixty-fourth notesol-fasolmizatespeech defectspeech impedimentspiccatosquirmstaccatosustained noteswellswell with emotiontalk incoherentlytercetthirty-second notethrillthrill tothrobthrobbingtictingletingle with excitementtonetosstoss and turntrembletremblingtremolandotremolanttremolotremortrepidationtrepiditytrilltrillettrilletotrillotriplettrolltumbleturn on totwangtweedletweedledeetwist and turntwittwitchtwitterunrestvacillatevibratevibrationvibratovocalizewarblewaverwaveringwhistlewhole notewigglewobblewrigglewritheyodel

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# /. 3d pers. sing. pres. compar. compar. & superl. wa indic. present l. catechunenus, gr. obs sing. pres. ind. superl. a a & adv. a. a. & a. pron. a. & adv. a. & n. a. & pron. a. . a. / a. pron. a. / adv. a. vigorously a. or pron. a. superl. a., adv., & n. a/ adj. ads. adv. adv. & a. adv. & conj. adv. & n. adv. & prep. adv. / a. adv. / conj. adv. / interj. adv., & n. adv., prep., & conj. b. comp. compar. conj. conj. / adv. dat. & obj. e. i. fem. imp. imp. & p. p. imp. & p. p. adored imp. & p. p. fenced imp. & p. p., imp. & pp. imp. &. p. p. imp. / p. p. imp. p. p. imp., p. p., & a. imperative sing. inf. interj. interj. & adv. interj. & n. interj., adv., & n. n n . n. n. & a. n. & adv. n. & interj. n. & v n. & v. n. & v. i. n. & v. t. n. . n. / interj. n. collect. & pl. n. f. n. fem. n. i. n. masc. n. pl. n. sing & pl. n. sing. n. sing. & pl. n. t. n.. n./ n.masc. n.p. n.pl. n.sing. & pl. obj. p pr. & vb. n. p. & a. p. a. p. p. p. p. & a p. p. & a. p. p. / a. p. p., fem. p. pr & vb. n. p. pr. p. pr. & pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb n. p. pr. & vb. p. pr. & vb. a. p. pr. & vb. e. p. pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb. n. p. pr. & vb/ n. p. pr. & vvb. n. p. pr. &. vb. n. p. pr. &vb. n. p. pr.& vb. n. p.a. p]. pr. & vb. n. pl. pref. prep. pron. pron. & a. pron. & conj. pron. / adj. pron. pl. pron., a., conj., & q. superl superl. superl. - supperl. v. v. & a. v. & n. v. i. v. i. & auxiliary. v. i. & i. v. i. & n. v. i. & t. v. i. / auxiliary v. t. v. t. & i. v. t. & n. v. t. & v. i. v. t.& i. v./. v.t
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