Posted in
10:51 pm, June 24, 2019
Great idea for breakfast or just as a tasty snack, This should take you about 20-30 minutes including cooking time, or less if you have done it a couple of times.
- 3/4 cup (185ml) milk
- 1 egg
- 1 cup (150g) plain flour
- 1 or 2 tsp baking powder (depending on how much you want them to rise)
- 1 tablespoon caster sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- Butter
- Whisk milk and egg together in a small bowl.
- Sift flour, baking powder and sugar together with a pinch of salt, then add dry ingredients, mix until smooth
- Heat a non-stick frypan and add some butter. Drop some spoon-fulls of the mixture into the pan, and cook for about 2 minutes or until bubbles appear on the top.
- Turn over and cook on the other side for about 1 minute, it should be golden when cooked.
- Allow to cook and add some butter to serve.
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