
This site is made from vanilla HTML and the default new.css theme. View Source[4]

A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using only HTML. It weighs~4.5kb.

View a demo here[5], or the quick-start guide here[6].

Vercel[7]'s impossibly fast CDN delivers new.css and the font Inter[8] using xz/fonts[9], so there's virtually no bloat added to your pages.

And of course, there's a dark mode. It automatically applies a light/dark theme based on your browser's preference.

It supports custom color themes and fonts using CSS variables. For example, check out the terminal theme:[10]

new.css is a project from xz.

Table of Contents


Here's your configuration:

  1. Add <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> to your <head>.
  2. Done.

💡 Use the code <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> for the lite version, which uses the system font stack rather than importing one.

Use Cases

  • A dead-simple blog
  • Collecting your most used links
  • Making a simple "about me" site
  • Rendering markdown-generated HTML


Here are the improvements new.css adds to your browser's basic HTML.

Full Changes
  • Global
    • Slightly increase all text sizes
    • Use a less harsh color scheme
    • Use the Inter font, and if not possible, the system font
    • Redefine all margins to more sensible defaults
  • body
    • Set a reasonable max width
    • Centered the body element, keeping left-alignment
  • abbr
    • Question mark cursor on hover
  • blockquote
    • Improved margins
    • Added background color
  • button
    • Appears uniformly across browsers
    • Looks like a real button
  • code
    • Added background color
    • Added outline stroke
  • details
    • Looks more button-like with background color and link cursor on hover
  • h1h6
    • Uniform margins and padding
    • Tweaked font size
  • h1-h3
    • Added thin bottom border line
  • header
    • Makes a screen-wide slightly darker header bar. Only use at the top of the <body>!
  • hr
    • Changed to single 1px line
  • kbd
    • Looks like a real keyboard key
  • mark
    • Added padding
    • Color follows theme
  • nav
    • Added between-element margins
  • samp
    • Ambiguous element, merged with code
  • table
    • Basic styling to make cells more discernable
      • Border stroke across all cells
      • Alternating row background color


new.css uses an 10-color palette and can be easily customized. These are declared as CSS variables in the :root attribute.

💡 Both new.min.css and lite.css have support for custom themes. lite doesn't import the font Inter by default, so it is recommended if you are using a custom font.


By loading a secondary style sheet after new.css in your HTML, you can override these variables. Here's the default theme:

Default theme
@import url('');

:root {
    --nc-font-sans: 'Inter', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
    'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open
    Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif, "Apple Color
    Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
    --nc-font-mono: 'Courier New', Courier, 'Ubuntu Mono',
    'Liberation Mono', monospace;
    --nc-tx-1: #000000;
    --nc-tx-2: #1A1A1A;
    --nc-bg-1: #FFFFFF;
    --nc-bg-2: #F6F8FA;
    --nc-bg-3: #E5E7EB;
    --nc-lk-1: #0070F3;
    --nc-lk-2: #0366D6;
    --nc-lk-tx: #FFFFFF;
    --nc-ac-1: #79FFE1;
    --nc-ac-tx: #0C4047;


  • --nc-font-sans: Font for all text besides code or preformatted
  • --nc-font-mono: Font for <code>, <pre>, <kbd>, <samp>
  • --nc-tx-1: Heading text color
  • --nc-tx-2: Body text color
  • --nc-bg-1: Base background color
  • --nc-bg-2: Slightly darker background color
  • --nc-bg-3: Even slightly darker background color
  • --nc-lk-1: Action color for links and buttons
  • --nc-lk-2: Link and buttons on mouse hover and active
  • --nc-ac-1: Accent color for <mark> and text selection background


  1. Create a stylesheet including some or all of the above variables in the :root. An example theme file is available here: boilerplate.css[11]
  2. If you'd like to import custom fonts, put the @import tag before the :root element. Many open-source fonts are available on xz/fonts[12].
  3. Reference your new stylesheet after new.css in your <head>. Here's an example <head>:
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Pre-Made Themes

Here are two extra themes with CDN links. Feel free to use or edit them!


Night theme is enabled by default if your browser is set to prefer dark themes. Using the theme link below makes it use night theme regardless.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Preview at[13]

Night theme


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Preview at[14]

Terminal theme


Special Thanks

We collect totally anonymous basic analytics using Simple Analytics. View live analytics at[15].

Powered by Vercel


  1. ^ Home (
  2. ^ GitHub (
  3. ^ Discord (
  4. ^ View Source (
  5. ^ here (
  6. ^ here (
  7. ^ Vercel (
  8. ^ Inter (
  9. ^ xz/fonts (
  10. ^ (
  11. ^ boilerplate.css (
  12. ^ xz/fonts (
  13. ^ (
  14. ^ (
  15. ^ (
keywords newcss,new.css,css,xz,css framework,classless css,

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