CodeSandbox: Online Code Editor Tailored for Web Application Development

Live Collaboration

Edit sandboxes together in real time, Google Docs style. Use Classroom Mode to control who can make edits.

Jest Integration

We automatically run Jest tests and show the results with an intuitive UI.

Keybindings and Quick Actions

Use Keybindings and Quick Actions to execute commonly used actions more quickly.

Configuration UI

We show a UI for configuration files so you don't have to look up how the configuration is structured.

Export to GitHub

All sandboxes can easily be exported to a GitHub repository.

Static File Hosting

The development server will serve all files statically from the public folder, depending on the template.

Integrated DevTools

The preview window has integrated DevTools, like a console, test view and a problem viewer.

Private/Unlisted Sandboxes


You can set a sandbox to private or unlisted to make sure others cannot see or find it.


Externally Hosted Previews

You can open your sandbox preview with a separate URL, while still keeping Hot Module Reloading.

Monaco Editor

We use the same editor as VSCode, which gives us "Go to Definition", "Replace Occurences" and more!

Hot Module Reloading

Hot Module Reloading is built in, so you won't have to press refresh for every change.

Error Overlay

We show a user friendly error overlay for every error, sometimes with suggestions on how to solve it.

Automatic Type Acquisition

Typings are automatically downloaded for every dependency, so you always have autocompletions.


Thanks to Monaco we show TypeScript autocompletions and diagnostics for TS sandboxes.


Code automatically gets prettified on save according to your own Prettier preferences.


All code is linted automatically using latest version of ESLint[2], with full ES6 support.

You can easily expand abbreviations with[3] in all JS, HTML and CSS files.

Open Source

We're almost fully open source! Our most active repository can be found here.[4]

Import with CLI

You can export a local project to CodeSandbox easily using codesandbox-cli[5].

Export To Zip

You can always download a zip from your sandbox for if you want to continue locally.


  1. ^ patron
  2. ^ ESLint (
  3. ^ (
  4. ^ here. (
  5. ^ codesandbox-cli (
keywords react, codesandbox, editor, code, javascript, playground, sharing, spa, single, page, application, web, application, frontend, front, end
ESLint[2], with full ES6 support.

You can easily expand abbreviations with[3] in all JS, HTML and CSS files.

Open Source

We're almost fully open source! Our most active repository can be found here.[4]

Import with CLI

You can export a local project to CodeSandbox easily using codesandbox-cli[5].

Export To Zip

You can always download a zip from your sandbox for if you want to continue locally.


  1. ^ patron
  2. ^ ESLint (
  3. ^ (
  4. ^ here. (
  5. ^ codesandbox-cli (

title: CodeSandbox: Online Code Editor Tailored for Web Application Development
summary: CodeSandbox is an online code editor with a focus on creating and sharing web application projects
category: webdev
keywords: react, codesandbox, editor, code, javascript, playground, sharing, spa, single, page, application, web, application, frontend, front, end


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