Warre Head (BLUFF), NSW Details


High cliff overlooking the Clyde River. It is about 5 km north north east of Yadboro Flat.


Prominent headland on lower cliff line of Tallaterang Miountain. Overlooks Clyde Gorge. Considered to be native word meaning high Recommended by Names Review Committee. Reed Dictionary.

Warre Head (BLUFF), NSW
title Warre Head (BLUFF)
state NSW
reference 63099
placename Warre Head
designation BLUFF
geographical name
previous names
description High cliff overlooking the Clyde River. It is about 5 km north north east of Yadboro Flat.
origin Prominent headland on lower cliff line of Tallaterang Miountain. Overlooks Clyde Gorge. Considered to be native word meaning high Recommended by Names Review Committee. Reed Dictionary.
Warre Head (BLUFF), NSW - Map

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