Posted in osrs
1:01 pm, August 25, 2019

Quickest Slayer OSRS XP - HELP PLEASE

Points is all rng really on what tasks you get, but starting with like 2k points is comfortable.

Best / Fastest Slayer Master

Duradel, But i also like Nieve as well as her tasks are pretty close and usually the same. 


Using the bracelet of slaughter will extend your task by sometimes using a charge to not reduce the slayer count.


  • Nechs (barrage with alt)
  • Dust Devils (barrage with alt) 
  • Smoke Devils (barrage)

Using the expeditious bracelet will make the task go faster as when a bracelet charge is used, it will reduce your slayer count for that mob by 2 rather than one. 


  • Trolls
  • Suqah (unextended)
  • Dark Beasts (unextended)
  • Black Dragons
  • Dagannoths 
  • Kalphites

What to add to your Slayer Block list (if you have this many unlocked): 

  • Abyssal demons
  • Gargoyles (I actually like this for money making, so I don't block them)
  • Kraken
  • Hellhounds
  • Greater Demons
  • Black Demons
  • (abyssal demons not worth due to overcrowding)

Skip: Everything else

These are awesome to check which to block and which to skip etc. and what bracelet to use:

u/KodakKid3's Slayer Spreadsheets












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