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11 allow a title to be in the foreground while still having a before overlay for the background
11 assign array to variables in a loop
11 basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section
11 bold the numbers in a ol li list
11 bootstrap alert template
11 bootstrap basic grid layout
11 bootstrap basic grid layout
11 bootstrap basic grid layout
11 bootstrap basic grid layout
11 bootstrap list group card with footer
11 bootstrap list group card with footer
11 bootstrap styled buttons
11 box shadow example(s) - drop shadow
11 center a box in the middle of the screen
11 center everything in a div with flex-center (centre)
11 center mode slick zoom testing
11 certbot add a certificate for one domain
11 change favicon with jquery
11 change string to capital words ucwords
11 change string to capital words ucwords
11 change the water colour in google maps for an already initialised map
11 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page
11 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page
11 check if a checkbox is checked with javascript
11 check if a checkbox is checked with javascript
11 check if a checkbox is checked with javascript
11 check if a query string item is set in the current url
11 check the server method post or get using php
11 chia mining research notes
11 click through an overlay element pointer events
11 compare non equality function
11 count total results from distinct sqlite
11 country select javascript check which option is selected and show a hidden element
11 create a 200 character summary from a longer html string
11 create a 200 character summary from a longer html string
11 css double page document preview with shadow
11 csv read example
11 cycle color using background
11 defining a variable inside a function without using var will create a global variable
11 display a subnav for the current wordpress page
11 easy section wrap in foundation - 3 boxes responsive
11 embed and use a ttf font font face
11 encode spaces in items passed to url to %20 not +
11 extract meta tags from url and return as json array
11 extract meta tags from url and return as json array
11 extract meta tags from url and return as json array
11 extract meta tags from url and return as json array
11 fade in and out elements on scroll - css js html
11 fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox
11 flex align center vertical horizontal