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49 wordpress show the page content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the page content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the page content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the page content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the parent page title with fallback to title 49 wordpress show the post content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the post content for use in a template 49 wordpress show the post content for use in a template 49 wordpress use a shortcode in php gravity forms 49 write the contents of a url into a file with php 49 xcopy backup full directory windows bat 49 youtube extract thumbnail from video link 49 youtube search api request function 48 A short unsplash image url 48 Add a post date to your custom wordpress post listing 48 Add a post date to your custom wordpress post listing 48 Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor 48 Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor 48 Adding a template to wordpress to show a list of posts on a custom page template 48 Alpine JS Testing 48 Applied Accessibility - Access Keys 48 Applied Accessibility - Access Keys 48 Applied Accessibility - Screen reader only css 48 Applied Accessibility - Screen reader only css 48 Archaeology/Level up table 48 Barrier Is the new Free and Open Source Synergy - desktop sharing, mouse sharing 48 Bootstrap 4 Center menu items in a navbar 48 Bootstrap Card Formatting HTML and CSS - Header and Footer 48 CSS Drawing - Beach Scene 48 CSS Margin and Padding Framework Generator - How to use it 48 CSS Margin and Padding Framework Generator - How to use it 48 Changing an array declared with const 48 Chat AI: Revolutionizing the Way We Communicate Online 48 Classic Tetris - Highest scoring competitive tetris game 48 Complex Arrow Function Example 48 Core - File Structure 48 Core Function : list_search_by_class_return_links - List Searches by Class Type and Return Links 48 Create Strings using Template Literals 48 Create Strings using Template Literals 48 Create a Complex JSX Element 48 Create a admin main wordpress custom menu item 48 Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line 48 Darkmode JS - Add darkmode to your site with one script 48 Date Conversion PHP 48 Date Conversion PHP 48 Dont bother with this money maker, Elder Rune Bars Smithing 48 Dropdown Box with Searchable Text 48 Easy Meta Tags 48 Extending a background image using free transform Photoshop CS5 48 Extending a background image using free transform Photoshop CS5

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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You want to be the best, you MUST put the long yards in! Nothing comes easy in life so stop wishing and start DOING! So many people would rather bitch and moan than help themselves. Dont be one of those negative drainers, start today, make a small change and keep going forwards with this attitude!
Random CSS Property


The contrast() CSS function adjusts the contrast of the input image. Its result is a <filter-function>.
contrast() css reference