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48 i love this app, easily upload your clipboard to imgur! 48 inline form field padding 48 install codemirror for textareas [added] 48 javascript basic test array and loop 48 javascript get content from element 48 javascript page redirect 48 javascript random string to put on url for cache 48 javascript update item in object 48 javascript update item in object 48 jquery click function 48 jquery document ready 48 jquery document ready with foundation init as well 48 jquery enable and disable attribute 48 jquery jqueryui vue script includes 48 jquery page search [testing] 48 jqueryui date selector 48 jqueryui date selector 48 jqueryui date selector 48 jqueryui date selector 48 js check the length of a string 48 js function to calculate golf scores 48 json jquery ajax request 48 json loop load elements 48 ken burns slow image zoom 48 keyframe animations css 48 landscape image document placeholder 48 linux mount a drive manually 48 list group bootstrap template 48 list group card item template 48 list group card item template 48 list group card template 48 list group card template 48 list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables 48 load a youtube video in a fancybox modal 48 load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop 48 load content with jquery 48 load google sheet data into json string with jquery 48 load json data url or api with javascript 48 load json data url or api with javascript 48 load json data url or api with javascript 48 load json data url or api with javascript 48 load json data url with jquery 48 load json data url with jquery 48 load random videos module using template 48 loading content into fancybox modal using ajax 48 log the console log output to a div 48 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 48 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 48 loop through object json javascript 48 make a nice readable date using a timestamp string function make_nice_date

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
"Let us prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's books each day ... The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time."
Random CSS Property


The <percentage> CSS data type represents a percentage value. It is often used to define a size as relative to an element's parent object. Numerous properties can use percentages, such as width, height, margin, padding, and font-size.
<percentage> css reference